Thursday, January 25, 2007

Soresu, Obi-Wan's Form of Choice

"That is so like you, Master Kenobi. I am called a great swordsman because I invented a lethal style; but who is greater, the creator of a killing form—or the master of the classic form?"
—Mace Windu to Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan Kenobi utilizing Soresu against Darth Vader on Mustafar
Obi-Wan Kenobi utilizing Soresu against Darth Vader on Mustafar

Form III: Soresu, the Way of the Mynock, or The Resilience Form was the third form of the seven forms of lightsaber combat.

The opening stance of Form III.
The opening stance of Form III.

Form III was originally developed to counteract the advancing blaster technology throughout the Galaxy. Those to whom the Jedi were mainly opposed usually wielded blasters, and the Jedi needed to find a method of defense that could repel normally overwhelming volleys of blaster fire. Soresu was then founded upon the basic deflection principles all Padawans were taught, the skill that enable them to protect themselves from blaster bolts.

The third form of lightsaber combat utilized motions that occurred very close to the body, in an attempt to achieve near-total protection and expend as little energy as possible while executing moves. This technique minimized the body's exposure, making a well-trained practitioner nearly invincible. Followers of Soresu comfortably remained on the defensive until their opponent left an opening that a Soresu practitioner usually could exploit in multiple ways. Soresu was best described as a passive form of combat, and one that was used by those who were extremely patient and reserved.

Due to the emphasis on defense training, Form III involved preparation for prolonged battles so that the user would be able to learn as much as possible about their opponent or opponents while engaged in possibly deadly combat. Also, by being more capable in lengthy battles, a Soresu user was in a position to gain control of the situation and provide multiple options for the duelist; such as the choice to either kill, disarm, or even reason with their opponent. Many Soresu practitioners survived the Battle of Geonosis, thanks in part to its specialization in fending off blaster fire. Soresu's greatest power lay in the endurance and control a practitioner eventually developed. Masters of the form left no opening for their opponents to take advantage of, while waiting for the eventual lapses in their opponent's own defense.

Jedi Master Mace Windu noted that, unlike any of the other combat styles, Soresu was not an answer to a particular type of weakness. Vaapad was an answer to Windu's inner darkness; Ataru was Yoda's answer to his limited reach and advanced age. Towards the end of the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi was acknowledged as "the master of Soresu" by Master Windu. It was because of this fact that Kenobi was chosen by the Jedi High Council as the Jedi best suited to defeat General Grievous due to his Mastery of Form III. Obi-Wan had always shown great abilities in weakening the opponent without fighting them. When he was twelve, Qui-Gon Jinn criticized him because Kenobi fought too aggressively. Since then, Obi-Wan took his master's advice and began using a more defensive fighting style.

Soresu was considered the consummate Jedi combat form in that it embraced a passive way of life and a literal expression of the Jedi tenet to defend rather than attack. Obi-Wan himself considered Soresu very simple, so restrained and defense-oriented that Form III was very nearly downright passive. As "the master", Obi-Wan himself could defend himself against any attack less than twenty strikes per second.
Obi-Wan Kenobi utilizes Soresu in his battle against Grievous.
Obi-Wan Kenobi utilizes Soresu in his battle against Grievous.

Even though a truly focused master of Soresu was nearly unbeatable due to a strong defense posture, there was more guarantee of survival rather than victory. Initiates in Form III were known to be more than capable when defending themselves from attack, but might have lacked the experience to trap an opponent in their own offense. Since the defensive tactics of the form included guards and parries that were very close to the body, even a master had to keep a strong focus on his or her actions as small lapses in an otherwise strong defense left little room to avoid injury. As the most prominent Soresu master of his time, Obi-Wan Kenobi was known to be almost invincible in fighting numerous combatants and defeating some of the most dangerous foes when seeming so close to defeat. Jango Fett, the best bounty hunter of the time, could not penetrate Kenobi's defense when Obi-Wan was not even a Master. During Kenobi's first direct confrontation with Count Dooku during the Battle of Geonosis, however, his normally impenetrable defense was outmatched by Dooku's Makashi, possibly due to the advantage of Makashi in blade-to-blade fight and Dooku's vast experience in fencing. It was not favorable for a Jedi General to be in a lengthy fight while his troops were left alone on the battlefield, but this was usually unavoidable, as it was when Master Kenobi had to leave his regiment of troops in his drawn out pursuit of General Grievous. Upon Kenobi's second confrontation with Dooku at the Battle of Coruscant, he had improved his Soresu to the point where he was able to effectively render Dooku's attacks ineffective, and was only defeated when Dooku used his superior strength in the Force to gain the upper hand.
Obi-Wan Kenobi battles renowned bounty hunter Jango Fett, a masterful wielder of twin blasters.
Obi-Wan Kenobi battles renowned bounty hunter Jango Fett, a masterful wielder of twin blasters.

The key to truly mastering Soresu may concern the concept and philosophy of Soresu, instead of its combat moves. Kenobi, despite his highest mastery of Soresu, applied Shii-Cho elements and Ataru acrobatics into his swordplay, as witnessed by Dooku onboard the Invisible Hand. By combining his knowledge of Ataru and his mastery of Soresu, Kenobi's swordplay proved to be an unique style: one with the defensive principle and protective ability of Soresu, plus the simplicity of the moves of Shii-Cho, the mobility of Ataru, and the deep connection and concentration within the Force, another key Ataru principle which allows Kenobi to handle any situation.

Soresu was a very favorable form of combat for Jedi until the Great Jedi Purge. The defense and control it allowed a practitioner made for suitable outcomes in favor of the user when faced with hurried opponents who left themselves vulnerable to counterattack. It was best for warding off blaster fire and multiple opponents as a trained user would be able to defend even outside their visual range. However, its defense required a very large amount of focus from the wielder and even a momentary fault in concentration could have meant the user's defeat. Jedi with less focused minds would usually abandon this style of combat to capitalize on the benefits of other styles that required less dedication to prolonged fighting. Jedi who mastered Soresu were known to be the most successful when dealing in situations when a quick victory was not favorable to total understanding and calculated action.

Soresu had its weaknesses. Its defensive style could often lead to dangerously prolonged combat, best illustrated in Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker's duel on Mustafar. Duels such as these necessitated the invention of Form V
Notable Form III Practitioners
Barriss Offee

Cin Drallig

Foul Moudama

General Qymaen jai Sheelal
General Qymaen jai Sheelal's IG-100 MagnaGuards

The Jedi Exile

Luminara Unduli

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan Kenobi... A well known Jedi

"You've been a good apprentice, Obi-Wan, and you're a much wiser man than I am. I foresee you will become a great Jedi Knight."
—Qui-Gon Jinn

Obi-Wan Kenobi, later known as Old Ben Kenobi, was a legendary Human Jedi Master. He received his training from Masters Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn, and taught both Anakin and Luke Skywalker in the ways of the Force.

In 32 BBY, he became the first Jedi in approximately 1,000 years to defeat a Sith Lord in combat when he defeated Darth Maul during the Second Battle of Theed, and later defeated (though without killing him) Darth Vader on Mustafar. Kenobi was also one of the last members of the Jedi High Council during the waning days of the Old Republic, one of the few Jedi to survive the Great Jedi Purge, and a master of the Soresu form of lightsaber combat. He fought as a High General for the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars, earning the sobriquet "The Negotiator" and personally ended the threat of General Grievous.

Early life (57 BBY–32 BBY)

Kenobi was born in 57 BBY, the first son of a moderately wealthy family, and was taken to Coruscant to begin his Jedi training shortly thereafter. His homeworld is unknown, although Kenobi had vague memories of playing with his brother, Owen. It is recorded that Kenobi might have occasionally visited Owen and the rest of the Kenobi family later in his life.

"Qui-Gon's defiance, I sense in you. Need that, you do not."

Obi-Wan before becoming a Padawan to Qui-Gon Jinn.
Obi-Wan before becoming a Padawan to Qui-Gon Jinn.

As a youngling, Obi-Wan trained under Yoda alongside other Jedi hopefuls of his age. Bant Eerin, Garen Muln and Quinlan Vos became Kenobi's lifelong friends, and he eventually fell in love with fellow Padawan, Siri Tachi. Others would become rivals, and even enemies, such as Bruck Chun and Aalto. Obi-Wan would come to be a part of what many Jedi referred to as the Old Guard, Jedi considered likely to be put on the Jedi High Council. His lightsaber instructors included Cin Drallig and Anoon Bondara.

As a youngling, he had been fascinated by machines, building models of ships and even dreaming of becoming a pilot. Ironically, as he grew older, Kenobi came to despise flying. Despite becoming an excellent pilot, he continued to claim that "flying is for droids." His ability to repair machinery and reprogram computers would serve him well in the future. Because of his ability to learn quickly, Obi-Wan became arrogant and was often impatient. Under the careful guidance of Yoda, however, Obi-Wan became more humble and reserved.
Becoming Qui-Gon's apprentice

Despite the speed of his growth as a Jedi, by the time Obi-Wan reached the age of twelve, it seemed that his chances of becoming a Jedi Knight had all passed him by; Younglings who weren't selected to be Padawans by the age of 13 would be shifted into one of the divisions of the Jedi Service Corps. One day, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn visited the Jedi Temple in the hopes of finding an apprentice. Obi-Wan dueled one of his competitors, Bruck Chun, to draw the attention of the maverick Jedi Knight. Obi-Wan fought valiantly to the point of exhaustion. The final offensive against Bruck was carried out so fiercely that Qui-Gon found Kenobi too dangerous to be trained. Obi-Wan was sent to the mining colony of Bandomeer to work as a ploughman for the AgriCorps. Strangely enough, Qui-Gon happened to be sent on a mission to the same place. The youngling and the Jedi Knight had to work together if they wanted to survive the mission, which was a trap set for Qui-Gon by his former Padawan, Xanatos. Obi-Wan showed Qui-Gon that he was worthy to be taken as a Padawan learner en route, when they were attacked by members of Xanatos' criminal organization, the Offworld Corporation. After putting an end to the tense situation, the two arrived on Bandomeer, where Qui-Gon received a letter signed by Xanatos. It turned out that Bandomeer was not in need of Jedi assistance, it had all been organized by Xanatos, who was revealed to be the leader of Offworld, whose mining operations terrorized all on the planet.

Qui-Gon sent Obi-Wan off to his Agri-Corps duties while he planned to meet with Xanatos, not as old adversaries, but as ambassadors, working to find an agreement between Offworld and Bandomeer. Xanatos, however, planned all along to sabotage their meeting and kill Qui-Gon. With the help of Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon once more attempted to end Xanatos' acts of terror. Qui-Gon dueled with his former apprentice, and though they ended Offworld's business on Bandomeer, Xanatos was able to escape. During their altercation with Xanatos, Qui-Gon discovered Obi-Wan's true potential, and took him as his new Padawan learner. Their relationship got off to a bad start, as the pair's personalities were constantly at odds; Qui-Gon was headstrong, while Obi-Wan was more practical. As time went on, however, their opposing natures blended them into an effective duo.

The new Master and padawan eventually caught up with Xanatos when the Dark Jedi was planning an attack on Master Yoda. Fortunately the two were able to find and engage him before his plans went into effect. It would be while foiling Xanatos that Obi-Wan was forced to fight his long time rival, Bruck Chun. Bruck had kidnapped Obi-Wan's friend Bant while working with Xanatos, and Obi-Wan engaged the misguided youth in a lightsaber duel. Obi-Wan triumphed when Bruck fell off a ledge and died, though the guilt would haunt Obi-Wan for many years. Xanatos committed suicide by diving into a pool of acid after Qui-Gon stopped his plans.
Obi-Wan at the time of his temporary exile from the Jedi Order.
Obi-Wan at the time of his temporary exile from the Jedi Order.

During his time with Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan temporarily left the Jedi Order. Caught up in the civil war on Melida/Daan, Obi-Wan elected to stay and help the children, otherwise known as the Young, who were fighting against their tradition-obsessed elders. The planet's residents had been fighting a pointless war for generations, and had actually forgotten what had started the feud. Obi-Wan befriended a boy within the Young called Nield, and possibly developed an attraction for another of the Young named Cerasi. Soon after Obi-Wan's decision to stay, Cerasi was mortally wounded and died in Obi-Wan's arms. For a time, Obi-Wan remained on the planet to continue helping the war effort, but soon enough felt that his place was with the Jedi and was taken back by Qui-Gon, though it took a long time for them to fully trust each other again.

It was during this time that he first spoke to Siri Tachi, whom he had met during lightsaber training at the Temple. They started off on rocky terms, as she was angry at him for leaving the Order, but would later forge a friendship that would last the rest of their lives, and even develop into something more.

When Obi-Wan was fourteen years old, he and Qui-Gon traveled to a planet once devastated by turmoil and currently under a temporary truce. The rulers of each planet temporarily exchanged children when they reached the age of seven and raised them in an effort to get the future leaders to appreciate each other. The plan backfired after hundreds of years of success, however, when the heir of Rutan decided he wanted to remain on Senali, forsaking his royal title and home planet. This infuriated his father, King Frane, who believed his son had been brainwashed by the Senali, and he threatened to declare war on Senali. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon arrived to mediate the dispute, and after meeting with King Frane, they went to the ocean world of Senali and attempted to convince Leed to return to Rutan, thus avoiding war.
Quinlan Vos and Obi-Wan Kenobi training on Ragoon VI.
Quinlan Vos and Obi-Wan Kenobi training on Ragoon VI.

Obi-Wan fought alongside his master in the Stark Hyperspace War, one of the last of the many small-scale conflicts that plagued the Galactic Republic in its final days. It was during the Fourth Battle of Qotile when Obi-Wan's enduring friendship with fellow Padawan Quinlan Vos truly began. Obi-Wan would later recall fondly a training mission the two Padawans undertook on Ragoon VI and missions the both of them would undertake with Dexter Jettster on the Outer Rim.

Prior to the Battle of Naboo, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon participated in the colonization of Alaris Prime, where they battled the Trade Federation for control of the moon. During this time, Chewbacca had his first recorded encounter with Jedi, as Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi had been assigned by the Galactic Republic to end the conflict on Alaris Prime. Under Jinn's tutelage, Chewbacca was able to successfully lead the colony to military and economic success. Kenobi and Chewbacca would eventually meet again in 0 BBY, though it is unclear whether the two recognized each other after not seeing each other for nearly 40 years.

In 33 BBY, Kenobi would assist his master in missions to Yinchorr and Dorvalla. After the Incident at Dorvalla, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were also involved in the attempt to mediate relations between the Trade Federation and the Nebula Front, an attempt that would sadly fail with the disaster at the Eriadu Trade Summit.

Obi-Wan would later investigate the mysterious disappearance of a fellow Padawan, Darsha Assant. He found a few tantalizing clues to her fate, but galactic events caught up with Kenobi before he could track down the missing Alderaanian. Shortly after being given the assignment, he and Qui-Gon were dispatched by Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum to resolve the Blockade of Naboo.
Blockade of Naboo (32 BBY)

Main article: Blockade of Naboo

Rising tensions

"I have a bad feeling about this."
—Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan in 32 BBY.
Obi-Wan in 32 BBY.

In 32 BBY, during the mission to resolve the trade dispute on Naboo, Kenobi and his Master, Qui-Gon Jinn were betrayed by Nute Gunray and the Trade Federation. Acting on the orders of the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious, Gunray attempted to assassinate the two Jedi by venting toxic gas into the room and dispatching a small group of battle droids. The jedi overcame both and nearly reached the bridge of the Trade Federation vessel before being delayed by droidekas. Qui-Gon opted to escape to Naboo's surface and warn them of the impending invasion.

The pair would then run into a native of the planet, Gungan Jar Jar Binks, who took the Jedi to meet with the Gungan inhabitants of Otoh Gunga. The Gungans dismissed the Jedi and sent them by Tribubble bongo to the capital city of Theed.

When they arrived at Theed, the Jedi managed to rescue the Queen and her entourage. Their attempt to escape the Federation's clutches led them to the isolated Outer Rim world of Tatooine.
Meeting Anakin Skywalker

"The boy is dangerous. They all sense it. Why can't you?"
—Obi-Wan Kenobi to Qui-Gon Jinn, referring to Anakin Skywalker

Kenobi meets Anakin Skywalker for the first time.
Kenobi meets Anakin Skywalker for the first time.

On Tatooine, Kenobi's master stumbled upon Anakin Skywalker, a young boy who showed tremendous Force potential and an unprecedented midi-chlorian count. Jinn decided that the boy should be trained, and while Kenobi was also amazed in Anakin's strong force potential, he initially disagreed with his master's decision; he believed, as the Jedi Council would later concur, that the boy was already too old and had acquired too many emotional attachments to become a Jedi.

Another discovery was also made on Tatooine. On the way back to the Queen's ship, Jinn was attacked by a dangerous foe with a lightsaber. Jinn barely escaped by Force jumping into the ship as it took off, and he determined that this adversary must have been a Sith. When he informed the council of his conclusions, they doubted him, and simply told Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan to be careful when protecting the Queen.
The Battle of Naboo and aftermath

"It felt like a dream when Qui-Gon fell."
—Obi-Wan Kenobi to Yoda

Kenobi's deadly duel with Darth Maul.
Kenobi's deadly duel with Darth Maul.

During the ensuing Battle of Naboo, Qui-Gon and Kenobi fought to protect the Queen until they were confronted by Darth Maul, Sith Lord and apprentice to Darth Sidious. Maul skillfully fought both the Jedi at once with his double-bladed lightsaber, and even managed to separate the two. Jinn, now fighting alone, did his best to fend off the Sith until Kenobi could catch up with them, but the elderly Jedi had been exhausted by the lengthy duel and, deprived of the space necessary to properly utilize his preferred form of lightsaber combat, he was killed when Maul slammed his lightsaber hilt onto his chin, and in the ensuing stun, reversed his lightsaber to stab Qui-Gon in the chest. Kenobi was devastated at the defeat of his master and friend, but he quickly charged at Maul. After some fighting, Kenobi managed to cut Maul's lightsaber in two. However, Maul continued to fight the Padawan, and Force-pushed Kenobi into an energy pit. Kenobi survived by grabbing onto a protruding fixture in the wall at the last moment, but Maul kicked the Padawan's lightsaber down the long shaft and then proceeded to use his weapon in an attempt to make Kenobi lose his grip. Kenobi reached into the Force, calming himself, then, as he used the Force to leap from the pit, he called his fallen master's lightsaber into his hand and cut Maul in two as the Sith gloated over what seemed to be his imminent victory.

Qui-Gon's dying request to his apprentice was to train Anakin. Kenobi felt that he could not refuse, and took it upon himself to train the boy. The Jedi Council was similarly moved by the plea, and fatefully reversed its decision, albeit still with doubts and misgivings. Anakin was formally placed under the tutelage of Kenobi himself, which was remarkable given that Kenobi was still a Padawan at the time of his duel with Maul. The Jedi Council had been impressed that Kenobi bested a Sith, an enemy that had not surfaced in a millennium. Obi-Wan was made a full Jedi Knight, with his duel with Darth Maul serving as his Jedi Trials.
Knighthood (32 BBY–22 BBY)

"Confer on you the level of Jedi Knight, the Council does."

Obi-Wan Kenobi bowing to Master Yoda.
Obi-Wan Kenobi bowing to Master Yoda.

About three years into Anakin's training, the new master and apprentice were sent on their first mission together. They were ordered to investigate the cult leader, Kad Chun, younger brother of Bruck Chun. Kad still blamed Obi-Wan for his brother's death, and it was only after Obi-Wan and Anakin uncovered an insidious plot against Kad that he forgave Obi-Wan.

A Jedi mission to Ragoon-6 saw Obi-Wan and Anakin tangled up with a mysterious man, who was believed to be the son of Xanatos. Further research on him revealed that he was from Nierport VII, collected Sith artifacts, and was extremely wealthy for no apparent reason. After a podracing escapade, further information was uncovered regarding the man, who was trying to take over the marketing of bacta through a mining venture. Obi-Wan, along with Anakin, found out that the man was trying to impress a Sith Lord, and planning to kill the youth. Master and apprentice were able to escape, stopping Omega's mining of titanite in the process.
Mission to Zonama Sekot

"Obi-Wan has forgotten ever being a child."
—Thracia Cho Leem

Kenobi in 29 BBY.
Kenobi in 29 BBY.

The next mission they were assigned took them to the living planet of Zonama Sekot in an attempt to find a Jedi Knight, Vergere, who had recently vanished during a mission there. Unbeknownst to them, Wilhuff Tarkin and Raith Sienar had followed them to exploit Zonama Sekot's ability to quickly fuse organic and manufactured technology into starfighters. On the planet, the colonists sold "seed-partners," which bonded with their hosts and allowed the planet to customize a starfighter for the individual. Anakin attracted many more seed-partners than anyone previously had, and he named his new ship the Jabitha. When Tarkin and Sienar arrived, the planet revealed its sentient consciousness to the Jedi, explaining that Vergere had left with the mysterious "Far Outsiders" in order to protect Zonama Sekot. Anakin and Obi-Wan could not rescue her, but they could stop Tarkin's attack.

In a fit of rage, Anakin telekinetically burned Tarkin's Blood Carver bodyguard, Ke Daiv, from the inside out. This display of dark power worried Obi-Wan greatly. Anakin was captured and brought before Tarkin, but Obi-Wan destroyed Tarkin's flagship, and Zonama Sekot activated its planetary hyperdrive, vanishing for the unknown regions. Sienar and Tarkin returned to the Republic, but Jabitha died, due to her separation from both Skywalker and her home planet. Obi-Wan and Anakin then returned to Coruscant.
Outbound Flight
Obi-Wan in 27 BBY.
Obi-Wan in 27 BBY.

In 27 BBY, Master Mace Windu sent Kenobi and Skywalker on a secret mission to Barlok to monitor the overbearing Jedi Knight, Jorus C'baoth, and his Padawan, Lorana Jinzler. Unbeknownst to them, Kinman Doriana, on behalf of Darth Sidious, had planned the negotiations to work splendidly in Jorus's favor, gaining him enough prestige to go ahead with his Outbound Flight Project. Obi-Wan and Anakin did rescue Jinzler after she was captured by malcontents, but their opponents were able to acquire the components they need ed to create a missile and attack the negotiations. Obi-Wan tried to stop the missile, but was unsuccessful. However, C'baoth used the Force to crush the missile and that gave him the impetus he needed to quickly conclude the negotiations, as well as receive support for Outbound Flight. Following the go-ahead for Outbound Flight for the Senate, Master Windu tasked Obi-Wan with accompanying the mission at least part of the way out to keep an eye on the headstrong, arrogant C'baoth.

While they were on the expedition, Obi-Wan often butted heads with C'baoth over C'baoth's running of Outbound Flight, especially when the Jedi Master began taking prospective Jedi children away from their parents in the middle of the night. It was only when Supreme Chancellor Palpatine himself asked Kenobi and Anakin to settle a dispute on a world near Outbound Flight's final stop in Republic territory that the two would leave the expedition.

Not long after, Kenobi and his Padawan, along with Siri Tachi and her apprentice, Ferus Olin, were given another mission to investigate the disappearance of a Senator's son. In order to infiltrate a band of renegade students at an elite senatorial school on Andara, Anakin proposed that he and Ferus Olin would penetrate the school by posing to be Senators' sons. Obi-Wan's and Siri's part of the mission involved posing as parents who were enrolling their children in the school. When the mission was over, Anakin had gotten too involved with the society, causing him to get in trouble with Obi-Wan when Master and Padawan reunited.
Yaddle's sacrifice

"The legacy of this mission is pain."
—Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan during his mission to Mawan.
Obi-Wan during his mission to Mawan.

Soon after, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Yoda, and Yaddle were sent on a negotiation mission to Mawan to settle a devastating civil war between three crime gangs. These gangs, led by Decca the Hutt, Feena Shaan, and a man called Striker, caused the rest of the population to take refuge underground. Unbeknownst to them, the chaotic planet was a trap set by Striker. He released a fatal chemical weapon that killed Yaddle when she absorbed it through the Force, saving the city of Naatan in the process. The weapon was intended by its vengeful maker to kill Obi-Wan and his apprentice, but it failed because of Yaddle's sacrifice. Together Obi-Wan and Anakin brought peace to Mawan, but Anakin felt responsible for the death of the Jedi High Council member.

Anakin's guilt about Yaddle's death caused friction between him and Obi-Wan, who felt that he was less than capable of teaching the mischievous boy properly. When sent on a rescue to the Uziel system to a planet called Vanqor, the two were forced to try and reconcile their differences, first going through a mess with gundarks, then, under the influence of a drug called the Zone of Self-Containment, his apprentice, Anakin was taken prisoner by the insane scientist Jenna Zan Arbor. Siri Tachi, Ferus Olin, Garen Muln, and Clee Rhara, who were sent on a mission but received the distress signal while en route, picked up Obi-Wan, who was on TY44, a moon of Vanqor, and taken to the planet itself. There, they helped him rescue Anakin.
Trailing Jenna Arbor and Roy Teda

"The capture of Zan Arbor is the safety of the Galaxy."
—Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan during his hunt for Zan Arbor.
Obi-Wan during his hunt for Zan Arbor.

Jenna escaped, however, and did not resurface again until Anakin was sixteen. From information given them by Tyro Caladian, they found out that she'd appeared on Romin, a focus of corruption and villainy and a shelter for criminals. In order to infiltrate the planet, he, his apprentice, Siri, and Ferus disguised themselves as a band of thieves looking for refuge on the planet. They found that Jenna had allied herself with Roy Teda, the ruler of Romin, and Granta Omega, who also was at qualms with the Jedi. Before the Jedi were captured, civil war erupted. The underworld was trying to overthrow Teda. In the midst of it, Roy and Jenna fled. The criminals contacted the Jedi, thinking they were really criminals, trying to find a way offworld. However, Jenna recognized Anakin from their previous encounter, and Roy ordered his men to seize the Jedi. Before they could do so, Mace Windu and a team of Jedi arrived just in time, and arrested Roy and Jenna. Since they were trying to get to Omega, and they knew the two would lead them to him, they set the two captives free.

Only a few weeks later, Obi-Wan and his apprentice trailed Jenna and Roy to Falleen, where they had managed to set up the Blackwater Systems facility to mass-produce her drug, the Zone of Self-Containment. When they were found, Jenna was forced to destroy the facility and Roy Teda fled.

Not long after, Sano Sauro, who was a friend of Granta Omega, and Bog Divinian, started to make anti-Jedi accusations in order to convince the Galactic Senate to lessen or completely dissolve its support of the Order. The vote was about whether the Jedi should be involved in the Senate's activities. It was all a part of Sauro and Omega's plan to leak the Zone of Self-Containment into the Senate's vents and assassinate Chancellor Palpatine. Anakin and Ferus, who were learning to forget their rivalry and understand each other, managed to prevent the assassination attempt on the Supreme Chancellor.
Obi-Wan and Anakin fighting Granta Omega on Korriban.
Obi-Wan and Anakin fighting Granta Omega on Korriban.

Omega's plan was uncovered, but not in time to save twenty-one Senators as several other Senate employees from being killed by seeker droids programmed by Teda. Unbeknownst to him, since Jenna and Granta had no more use for him, a seeker droid killed him, as well. Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Siri set off to find Omega, leaving Ferus to protect the Senators and Palpatine.

Tracking Omega and Jenna Zan Arbor to Korriban, four Jedi pairs— Kenobi and Skywalker, Siri and Ferus, Ry-Gaul and Tru Veld, and Soara and Darra—traveled there to confront and stop them. The apprentices were split up from the Masters to better accomplish the mission. The investigation of Dreshdae led them to the Valley of the Dark Lords. During the confrontation with Granta Omega, Kenobi had no choice but kill him as he felt Omega was too dangerous to be kept alive.
Keeping the peace
Obi-Wan in 24 BBY.
Obi-Wan in 24 BBY.

Some time later, Master and apprentice were sent on a diplomatic mission to a planet wishing to join the Galactic Republic. They soon found out, however, that the planet's indigenous population considered thievery an important social asset. During their stay, Anakin's lightsaber was stolen. He searched for it, ashamed to tell Obi-Wan that he lost it, and soon had to admit defeat. Asking Obi-Wan for help, he found that the Jedi Knight knew the lightsaber had been stolen, and, using a trick of the Force, "acquired" it from the thief. Obi-Wan had merely been waiting for Anakin to admit that he'd lost it.

Obi-Wan and his apprentice were then assigned to the task of protecting Senator Simon Greyshade from assassination. Simon had recently filled the station of senator of the Commonality that his assassinated cousin had left. Simon's cousin, Jheramahd Greyshade, was thrown off the roof of 500 Republica in an attempt to stall the passage of the Financial Reform Act, which the Senator supported. The Financial Reform Act was a bill that addressed and was meant to reduce the amount of corruption that was causing the Senate, and, through them, the Republic, to disintegrate. Obi-Wan and Anakin managed to save Simon from certain death.

Because it was found that the assassination and assassination attempt was because of the Financial Reform Act, it never got a vote. Some say that this was the cause of a good portion of the seceding planets that would soon make the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and could have prevented the Clone Wars had it been passed.
Mission to Ansion
Anakin and Obi-Wan during their mission to Ansion.
Anakin and Obi-Wan during their mission to Ansion.

In 22 BBY Obi-Wan and Anakin, along with Luminara Unduli and her apprentice, Barriss Offee, were sent to Ansion to settle a border dispute that could have caused the extremely strategic planet to secede to the Confederacy. If Ansion fell, so would countless other worlds. The Jedi negotiated a settlement with city dwellers to remain in the Republic, provided they also convinced the nomadic Alwari to allow expansion into the grasslands. Little did they know that Presidente Shu Mai of the Commerce Guild was pulling the strings to cause Ansion to secede. Arriving early, Obi-Wan and Anakin were just in time to rescue Luminara and Barriss from a mob of killers. Thanks again to Shu Mai and her minion Soergg the Hutt, the Jedi were in constant danger from attack by hired killers, including a successful kidnapping of Barriss by two Anisionians, Kyakhta and Bulgan. Barriss healed the two killers of injuries though, and they became guides for the Jedi to find the nomadic clans, particularly the Borokii overclan. Traveling on suubatars, the Jedi braved hazards such as flying chawix, kyren hordes, capture by the Yiwa clan and shanhs. On one occasion, the Jedi were required to entertain their hosts, each in their own way. Obi-Wan chose to use a story, weaving a masterful tale that thoroughly impressed the Ansionians. The Jedi eventually made contact with the Borokii overclan, who, after requiring the Jedi to retrieve a tuft of rare albino surepp wool, agreed to the Jedi's settlement— provided they helped wage war against their rivals, the Januul clan. Obi-Wan shocked his companions when he agreed, but he had a plan. When the battle lines were drawn, the Jedi marched out into the middle and refused to fight either side, calling on both clans to negotiate a settlement. Obi-Wan, Anakin, Luminara, and Barriss were subsequently attacked by both sides, but they deflected the assaults, and amazingly parried only the weapons, defeating both armies with no loss of life. In the wake of the following peace between the tribes, the Jedi journeyed back to the capital of Cuipernam to inform the Unity Council controlling the planet's fate of their success. While they were attacked again by thugs, the two clans sent an honor guard to help the Jedi, and Ansion remained in the Republic thanks to the efforts of Obi-Wan and his companions. Because of her status as Presidente, Shu Mai was not discovered to be a part of the matter.
Beginning of the Clone Wars

"Obi-Wan is a great mentor. I am truly grateful to be his apprentice."
—Anakin Skywalker

Kenobi, a decade after the Battle of Naboo.
Kenobi, a decade after the Battle of Naboo.

Ten years after the Invasion of Naboo, shortly after returning from the border dispute on Ansion, Kenobi and Skywalker were tasked with protecting Padmé Amidala after an attempt on her life. Through a ruse organized by Anakin, the assassin, a Clawdite named Zam Wesell, was soon uncovered and Kenobi pursued her through the streets of Coruscant, finally cornering her inside the Outlander Club.

Unfortunately, Wesell soon became a victim herself, falling to the poisoned dart of a mysterious hunter garbed in Mandalorian armor. The only clue to his identity was the very dart that killed Wesell—a weapon of Kaminoan make.

Kenobi contacted his associate Dexter Jettster, who informed him of Kamino, a planet which was strangely deleted from the Jedi Archives. Arriving, he was informed that a huge unauthorized clone army was being bred for the Republic on the orders of the deceased Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. Kenobi was introduced to the clone's template, a bounty hunter named Jango Fett. Kenobi contacted the Jedi Council and was told to apprehend the bounty hunter for questioning, Kenobi did as ordered and attempted to apprehend the bounty hunter. A fierce fight between Kenobi and Jango ensued, with Jango's son firing on Kenobi from Fett's ship. Despite Kenobi's efforts, Fett escaped to Geonosis with his son Boba. Kenobi followed them.
Kenobi fights the bounty hunter Jango Fett on Kamino.
Kenobi fights the bounty hunter Jango Fett on Kamino.

Jango noticed Kenobi in pursuit and attempted to finish off the Jedi once and for all by leading him through Geonosis' rings. Kenobi's Jedi starfighter was damaged and he was forced to hide on the back of an asteroid as Fett descended onto Geonosis.

On Geonosis, Kenobi uncovered a conspiracy of star systems that wanted to secede from the Republic, led by Count Dooku. Kenobi was captured shortly after sending a message to Anakin and the Council informing them of the latest developement.

Dooku attempted to persuade Kenobi to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems, using Kenobi's memory of Qui-Gon Jinn as bait, and telling him that a Sith was in control of the Galactic Senate. Dooku continued to try and entice Obi-Wan by telling him that if Obi-Wan was with him that they could eliminate the Sith menace once and for all. Much to Dooku's disappointment, Kenobi simply responded that Qui-Gon would never have joined Dooku, and that if the Sith did control the Senate that the Jedi would have sensed it. Dooku left, musing that it would be difficult to secure Kenobi's release.
Battle of Geonosis (22 BBY)

"I will never join you, Dooku."
—Obi-Wan Kenobi to Count Dooku

Anakin and Padmé arrived on Geonosis in an attempt to rescue Kenobi without any help, but they too were captured, and all three were sentenced to death by the Geonosians, by the traditional way of the Genosian Battle Arena, where three savage beasts would be their executors.

During the execution Obi-Wan and the others managed to fight against the wild beasts sent to kill them and turn the field to their advantage. Dooku then sent droids to finish them off.

It was the timely arrival of Mace Windu and a strike team of 200 Jedi that prevented their deaths. But Dooku revealed that he had actually been expecting the rescue all along, and unveiled his devastating army of Separatist droids (including battle droids, destroyer droids and super battle droids). The Jedi fought bravely despite being greatly outnumbered by droids, and suffered many casualties. Master Yoda arrived just in time with the massive clone army from Kamino to save the remaining Jedi. This was the beginning of the Battle of Geonosis, and the Clone Wars
Kenobi duels Sith Lord Darth Tyranus on Geonosis.
Kenobi duels Sith Lord Darth Tyranus on Geonosis.

Kenobi, Anakin, and Padmé all jumped onto the same gunship and proceeded to join the main fighting. The Jedi then spotted the fleeing Count Dooku and chased him. Padmé however was knocked out of the gunship when they were attacked from behind, Kenobi was forced to restrain his Padawan from going back after the senator.

The two Jedi finally caught up to the Sith Lord and engaged him in a duel. Anakin rushed in quickly and was incapacitated by Dooku's Force lightning. Kenobi was left alone to face the masterful Sith Lord and was able to deflect Dooku's Force lightning with his lightsaber.

Obi-Wan fought valiantly but even his mastery of Soresu was no match for the more experienced Sith, who excelled in Form II: Makashi. Obi-Wan was exhausted from the difficult battle earlier, and only had an unfamiliar lightsaber to wield. He eventually was incapacitated when Dooku slashed his leg and his shoulder. Anakin however had recovered and was able to fight back, blocking what would have been a killing blow to Kenobi. Anakin even used his fallen master's lightsaber as well as his own after Obi-Wan tossed it to him, but since Jar'Krai was neither his preferred nor strong form, Anakin was quickly reduced to using one lightsaber when Dooku severed the other, switching back to his preferred style of Form V. However Dooku's experience and economy of movement triumphed over youth and brute force, as Anakin's arm was severed after a short but fierce fight. Obi-Wan was then forced to watch as Yoda came in as their last line of defense. Yoda and the Count engaged in a vicious lightsaber duel with stunning acrobatics after a duel of force powers proved them equal. Yoda was on the verge of victory but let the Count escape when he dropped a large column down onto Obi-Wan and Anakin, to save his fellow Jedi.

The Clone Wars had begun.
Clone Wars (22 BBY–19 BBY)

"You fought in the Clone Wars?"
"Yes. I was once a Jedi Knight, the same as your father."
—Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan during the Clone Wars.
Obi-Wan during the Clone Wars.

Kenobi became a General in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars, leading the Republic to many famous victories, beginning with the countering of the Dark Reaper Project alongside Anakin and Mace Windu on planets such as Thule, Rhen Var, Kashyyyk, and Raxus Prime. In these battles, Kenobi usually participated from the cockpit of his fighter tank, but also led from a LAAT/i while covering the evacuation of Rhen Var and from a speeder bike on Raxus Prime. While Anakin was ultimately successful in countering the threat, Obi-Wan was disturbed at Anakin's cockiness over his victory. This was followed soon after by his brilliant leadership at the First Battle of Kamino in which he led the Republic to victory. As his reputation increased Obi-Wan earned the moniker "The Negotiator" for his brilliant diplomatic solutions in an alternative to fighting.
Battle of Muunilinst and Introduction of Grievous

"I doubt even Master Qui-Gon could've prepared a Jedi for this."
—Obi-Wan Kenobi

It was Kenobi who fought courageously against battle droids and crushed the forces of San Hill and the Confederacy in the Battle of Muunilinst—an early victory that would do much to build the warrior's reputation. His forces on Muunilinst included the Muunilinst 10 and a Lancer Battalion, which Kenobi led into battle on 105-K speeder bikes. During the battle, Kenobi also managed to defeat the dreaded bounty hunter Durge in single combat twice: first after leading his squadron of speeder bikes into battle and then in the very command center of the Separatist leaders.

Soon after the Battle of Muunilinst was over Obi-Wan was contacted by Jedi Master Daakman Barrek who called for his assistance in the disastrous Battle of Hypori. Obi-Wan sent the Muunilinst 10 led by Captain Fordo to rescue the remaining Jedi task force from the newly revealed General Grievous. In the end, they were only able to rescue three of the six Jedi. Ki-Adi-Mundi, Shaak Ti, and Aayla Secura survived, but Tarr Seir and Sha'a Gi were killed by Grievous. K'Kruhk was assumed dead. However, he had entered a state of hibernation, appearing dead to all observants.
The Swamp Gas of Ohma-D'un

Dispatched with Anakin and another Jedi named Glaive and his Padawan Zule Xiss the four Jedi worked together in response to the new chemical weapon known as 'swamp gas' used on Ohma-D'un. Obi-Wan and Glaive would often be at odds with each other during the mission. During the mission the group was attacked by Ventress and Durge. The ensuing skirmish saw Obi-Wan rescue Glaive from Durge but nonetheless Glaive was killed by Ventress who also cut off Xiss' arm. Obi-Wan and Anakin eventually drove off the two assassins saving Zule Xiss, but were unable to keep them from escaping or retrieve the antidote from them.

After the incident on Ohma-D'un Obi-Wan, accompanied by four nomadic Jedi Masters, Nico Diath, Jon Antilles, Knol Ven'nari and Master Fay, were dispatched to recover the antidote to the swamp gas used by the Confederacy on Ohma-D'un. Obi-Wan often felt he was out of his league with these four legendary Jedi Masters, but Fay assured him that his knowledge of the toxin to the mission would be invaluable.

Once they arrived on Queyta where the antidote was believed to be the group was ambushed by Durge and Asajj Ventress. Ven'nari was the first to fall when Durge fired upon the native worker's causing their pressure suits to explode. Ven'nari's power kept the explosion from harming the group but the strain was too much. Antilles went for Ventress but fell when Durge destroyed the bridge he was standing on, Antilles survived. Diath was killed when Ventress collapsed the ceiling on him and had molten lava rain down onto him. Antilles was finally killed while grappling with Durge when the mercenary thrust him into a lava pit, but not before the Gen'Dai's regenerative arms were melted off. Fay and Kenobi survived long enough to confront Ventress, who was in control of the antidote and trying to escape with it to Separatist-friendly space. Using the Force, Master Fay hurled shards of glass and metal at Ventress, catching the Dark Jedi in the throat with a large piece of debris. Believing Ventress to be dead, Kenobi and Fay set off to return to Coruscant. Ventress was far from dead, however, and rose up to spear Master Fay in the back with a lightsaber.

Mortally wounded, Fay survived long enough to ensure Kenobi escaped from Queyta with the antidote, then died in his arms. Unfortunately the 'swamp gas' would later be modified to become the deadly chemical weapon called Trihexalophine1138 that would later be used on the planet Honoghr.
The Jedi Killers

Obi-Wan was later partnered with fellow Jedi Kit Fisto on his mission to Ord Cestus to end the production of Jedi Killer droids on the planet, in addition to preventing the planet from falling to the Confederacy. Traveling with the barrister Doolb Snoil while Kit worked in the desert with four ARCs, Kenobi made contact with both the Five Ruling Families of Ord Cestus and the Desert Wind irregulars, trained and led by Fisto and the clones. While Obi-Wan and Snoil tried to find a peaceful resolution to the problem, Fisto and the ARCs were preparing the Desert Wind troops for a guerrilla war, if necessary. In addition to his delicate negotiations with the ruling council, Obi-Wan helped preserve the position of G'Mai Duris and worked to pierce the veil of intrigue surrounding the government's workings. Deciding that the time had come for more drastic measures, Kenobi and Fisto staged an attack on members of the Five Ruling Families, with Fisto pretending to be a Dark Acolyte from Count Dooku and Obi-Wan repelling him. While the ruse was successful, their theatrics were secretly revealed to the Five Ruling Families by Asajj Ventress via an emissary. Expelled from the planet, Kenobi and Snoil left, but Kenobi jettisoned in an escape pod to rendezvous with Fisto, though Snoil later rejoined them after the ship was attacked and he took flight in an escape pod also. While working with the clones, Obi-Wan and Fisto began to understand them more, and even taught them elements of the Jedi Flow exercise. Conducting a hit-and-run campaign against Cestian manufacturing and infrastructure facilities, Kenobi tried to prevent loss of life. However, after an ambush on his troops in which many Desert Wind fighters and Snoil were killed, and with increasing pressure from the Supreme Chancellor to resolve the conflict or bombard Ord Cestus, Obi-Wan and Fisto planned a mission to knock out Cestian manufacturing. During the mission, Fisto was almost killed by Asajj Ventress but was saved by Kenobi, who defeated the Dark Acolyte. Obi-Wan also constructed the rare lightwhip which was used by Fisto during the mission. Upon returning from defeating Ventress, Kenobi received a message from one of the ARCs—Jangotat—reporting that he had called in the orbital bombardment, which would have targeted the population centers due to Ventress's sabotage, onto his location, which was also the hideaway for the Five Ruling Families. With them dead, and with the Separatist plan revealed to be a fraud by both Jangotat and Ventress, Ord Cestus was able to negotiate a settlement.
Battle of Jabiim

"I won't fail you."
"No Anakin, don't fail yourself."
—Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi

Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi on Jabiim
Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi on Jabiim

He led troops during the infamous Battle of Jabiim. The Republic suffered heavy casualties and weren't prepared for the atrocious conditions on the planet. The enemies forces made great gains in the first weeks of the fighting until the commander, General Norcuna, was killed. Soon after, Obi-Wan himself was believed dead after being caught inside an exploding walker. In reality, Kenobi and the ARC trooper Alpha-17 had been captured by Asajj Ventress and taken to her fortress on Rattatak. There Kenobi was tortured using a Sith torture mask that obscured his connection to the Force in an attempt to break the Jedi and show his uselessness to Count Dooku. Kenobi's ingenuity, however, eventually led to the pair's escape. Throughout their capture, Obi-Wan had used what little Force power he had to bend the pipes in the wall until they eventually burst and caused enough confusion for them to escape and fly a stolen Fanblade fighter to Riflor, where they were reunited with Skywalker, who had been assigned to Ki-Adi-Mundi after Obi-Wan's presumed death. But Obi-Wan would not forget his captor, the deadly Asajj Ventress, and Skywalker was given back over to Kenobi, with Master Mundi relieved to no longer have to train such a headstrong student.
Loss of an old friend

In 20 BBY, Obi-Wan reunited with Siri Tachi when they teamed up with Anakin and Padmé to acquire a special codebreaker on the planet Genian. The Separatists were also after the important codebreaking mechanism invented by Talesan Fry, whom Siri and Obi-Wan had met twenty years earlier in a mission to protect him from bounty hunters. Talesan was now the founder of a very wealthy business on Genian, a world that remained neutral during the war. Reuniting with Talesan brought back old memories to Obi-Wan and Siri of the feelings that they once had for each other. After convincing Talesan to give the device to the Republic, they were attacked by someone else from the past, the bounty hunter Magus, who had killed Talesan's parents.
Famed Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker
Famed Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker

Talesan accompanied the Jedi and Senator Amidala to Azure, where the Republic was fighting off more Separatists. While Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Talesan fought off the attack led by Magus (who was working for the Corporate Alliance), Siri and Padmé took a starfighter of their own to go after Magus himself. Upon reaching Magus' starfighter, Siri made a desperate leap and landed on it. She was able to break into his ship and fight him off, which resulted in the ship's crash landing, but in the process she was shot by Magus.

Obi-Wan found Siri and tried to save her, but she stopped him knowing she was dying. Siri handed him the blue warming crystal she had from that earlier mission together, telling Obi-Wan that she would always be with him, and then passed on. Her death devastated Kenobi, bringing him close to the dark side. However, he regained control, sparing the merciless bounty hunter. Anakin thought this indicated that Obi-Wan did not truly love Siri, because he couldn't imagine not avenging Padmé's death, had she died. Obi-Wan later realized he had learned to love with an open heart, a lesson Qui-Gon had long tried to teach him. He could live with losing Siri. Skywalker might well have learned this lesson, had he talked with his Master. However, Anakin's selfish love for Padmé would eventually lead to the destruction of many, including Obi-Wan himself.

"Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?"
—Obi-Wan Kenobi to Han Solo

As a High General, Kenobi took command of the Open Circle Armada and the Third Systems Army, which included Clone Commander Cody's 7th Sky Corps. Towards the end of the Clone Wars, Kenobi, Skywalker and Commander Cody took part in a number of successful and high profile missions, including the First Battle of Cato Neimoidia.
Obi-Wan sitting upon the Jedi Council with Ki-Adi-Mundi and Yoda.
Obi-Wan sitting upon the Jedi Council with Ki-Adi-Mundi and Yoda.

During this time of war, Obi-Wan's reputation and talent on the battlefield and his legendary diplomacy skills had him promoted to Jedi Master, and he was even granted a seat on the Jedi High Council to replace Depa Billaba, who had fallen to the dark side and was in a coma after a mission to Haruun Kal. From this exalted position, Obi-Wan helped to develop the tactics of the Grand Army of the Republic and was able to witness the growing strain between the Chancellor's office and the Jedi firsthand. His position on the council also allowed Obi-Wan to advocate the promotion of his Padawan Anakin Skywalker to Jedi Knight. After a tense debate with the rest of the council, Obi-Wan finally convinced them to grant Anakin his knighthood, but with this Obi-Wan took the responsibility of covering for Anakin's unorthodox actions that were frowned upon by the rest of the council.

During the initial stages of the Battle of Rendili, Obi-Wan discovered the renegade Quinlan Vos aboard the exploration vessel Titavian IV. Vos had betrayed Dooku's trust, and the Count had sent Asajj Ventress and Tol Skorr to eliminate him. Asajj and Obi-Wan battled yet again, though this time Asajj felt assured of victory, riding a ferocious rancor in pursuit of her nemesis. Obi-Wan and Quinlan escaped, but Asajj followed Obi-Wan back to Coruscant.
Asajj Ventress
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master in 19 BBY.
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master in 19 BBY.

The waning months of the Clone Wars saw Obi-Wan become obsessed with the Dark Jedi whom he and Anakin had faced numerous times, Asajj Ventress. Through numerous battles with Ventress Obi-Wan had found out much about her past and believed that there was still some good in her. For a time he forsook the war to search for this enemy and even brought his former Padawan Anakin along with him, in what Anakin considered a wild bantha chase since he believed himself to have killed Ventress when she followed him to Coruscant. However after following several clues that pointed to her survival, Anakin became less and less sure. Eventually the two found her on Boz Pity in a bacta tank. She attacked the two when she came out of her trance but was once again defeated, and abandoned by Dooku. Finally she let go of her anger and rage and put herself in a trance that made her appear dead on a medical ship when she ordered the pilot to take her far away from the war, Dooku, and the Jedi. Obi-Wan was left believing that she was truly dead.

Obi-Wan spent the last few months before the end of the war serving with Anakin on the Outer Rim Sieges. These took them to some of the most remote worlds in the galaxy, and forced them to stay for long periods of time. While this was a strain on Anakin being away from his secret wife, Obi-Wan took these campaigns in his stride, leading the Republic to a long string of victories. In the few weeks before the Second Battle of Coruscant Obi-Wan and Anakin even took up the search for the mysterious Darth Sidious, and uncovered information that almost allowed Mace Windu to find Sidious, but Windu was stopped before he uncovered Sidious' identity when Coruscant was attacked.

Kenobi's legend had grown to be very great during the wars, as he and his partner Anakin became household names from their daring exploits, and were known as the most famous Jedi in the Galaxy. This earned the attention of the Separatist general, Grievous, who wanted to add both Anakin's and Kenobi's lightsabers to his belt as trophies.
Rise of the Empire (19 BBY)

"He was deceived by a lie. We all were. It appears that the Chancellor, the Emperor, is behind everything, including the war. Palpatine is the Sith Lord we've been looking for. After the death of Count Dooku, Anakin became his new apprentice."
—Obi-Wan Kenobi to Padmé Amidala

Obi-Wan Kenobi, aboard Invisible Hand.
Obi-Wan Kenobi, aboard Invisible Hand.

When Supreme Chancellor Palpatine was kidnapped by General Grievous and taken onto his flagship, the Invisible Hand during the Second Battle of Coruscant in 19 BBY, Kenobi and Skywalker were quickly called in from the Outer Rim Sieges to rescue the captive leader of the Republic. It was Kenobi who developed the plan that allowed for Anakin and himself to rush in and rescue the Chancellor. Once onboard the two fought their way to where the Chancellor was being held captive by Count Dooku himself.

Obi-Wan and Anakin once again engaged the aged Sith Lord in battle. The count was surprised to see how much Obi-Wan and Anakin had improved. Halfway through the battle Dooku was finally able to incapacitate Obi-Wan by Force choking him and sending him flying into a wall. Dooku then lowered a large platform onto Obi-Wan, removing him from the rest of the battle. Consequently Obi-Wan was unable to prevent Anakin from taking the life of the disarmed Count Dooku on the urging of Chancellor Palpatine, sending Anakin further down the dark path.

"Ah yes. The negotiator. General Kenobi. We've been waiting for you."
—General Grievous

When Obi-Wan recovered, the two Jedi and the Chancellor attempt to get off of the flagship proved useless. Grievous taunted the two Jedi and took their lightsabers as part of his infamous collection. However, it wasn't long before the Jedi had their lightsabers back in their hands and moved in to capture the General. Although the General escaped, Anakin managed to pilot the now derelict Invisible Hand down to Coruscant.

As Palpatine began to gather more power to himself Obi-Wan became very concerned. He counseled Anakin to be wary of the Chancellor. When Anakin was appointed to the Council and instructed to spy on Palpatine, Obi-Wan was the only member who was against the Council's decision.
General Kenobi encounters the dreaded General Grievous.
General Kenobi encounters the dreaded General Grievous.

After Grievous was discovered on Utapau, Obi-Wan was sent by the Jedi Council to eliminate him. Grievous had become the Head of State of the Confederacy of Independent Systems following the death of Count Dooku on the Invisible Hand, Grievous' flagship, during the Second Battle of Coruscant. Kenobi eventually tracked Grievous down and went down alone to scout out the area. He tricked the droids into thinking he had left and quietly used a varactyl named Boga to find the general. When he did discover the cyborg's hiding place he faced him alone, and after defeating some of his bodyguards, he engaged the General.

Grievous fought Kenobi with four lightsabers at once, using a personalized style that was based on unpredictability, but was easily deprived of two of them due to Obi-Wan's mastery of Form III. When the Republic's forces began their attack, Grievous decided to flee yet again. Obi-Wan pursued on Boga. Kenobi eventually caught up with the General and briefly fought hand to hand, eventually managing to kill Grievous with his own blaster. This was much to his distaste, for Kenobi considered blasters to be clumsy and "uncivilized".
The Purge begins (19 BBY)

"Senator Organa, my Clone troops turned on me. I need help."
"We have just rescued Master Yoda. It appears this ambush has happened everywhere. We are sending you our coordinates."
—Obi-Wan Kenobi and Bail Organa

When Order 66 was issued by Palpatine, commanding all clone troopers to kill their Jedi Generals, Kenobi narrowly escaped murder at the hands of his clones, the blast that was intended to kill him was fired from a long range, and therefore did not manage a direct hit. It instead sent Obi-Wan plummeting into the lake at the bottom of the sinkhole with his mount, the varactyl Boga. After recovering from this attempted murder, Obi-Wan escaped using General Grievous' Belbullab-22 starfighter. Of particular note during the execution of Order 66 on Utapau was Commander Cody, Obi-Wan's friend for the past few months, who himself ordered his troops to eliminate Kenobi.
Obi-Wan Kenobi watches a hologram of Darth Sidious and Darth Vader in abject shock.
Obi-Wan Kenobi watches a hologram of Darth Sidious and Darth Vader in abject shock.

"I can't watch anymore."
"Destroy the Sith, we must."
—Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda

Obi-Wan used Grievous' starship to escape from Utapau and was contacted by Senator Bail Organa, who had already rescued Master Yoda from Kashyyyk on his starship the Tantive IV. Obi-Wan and Yoda returned to the ruined Jedi Temple on Coruscant, they fought their way through to the beacon room and reversed the code to warn all remaining Jedi to stay away instead of returning. They then came across recordings on Temple security camera TR4-121 that showed Anakin killing Cin Drallig as well as two of his students, and bowing before Palpatine and being proclaimed his new Sith apprentice. Kenobi and Yoda then decided to split up and kill the two Sith Lords. Obi-Wan begged to fight the Emperor because he considered Anakin as a brother. Yoda told him that the Emperor was too strong for Obi-Wan and that Anakin was not the boy he trained, but consumed by Darth Vader. The two then separated.

Kenobi went to visit Anakin's secret wife Padmé Amidala, confronting her with the truth that Anakin had turned to the Dark Side. Amidala refused to believe him, and would not tell Kenobi that Anakin had been sent to Mustafar to kill the Separatist Council. It was at this moment too, that Kenobi took note of Amidala's heavily pregnant condition and forced her to admit that Anakin was the father. Kenobi, after sneaking onto Amidala's space cruiser, tracked the Sith apprentice to the volcanic world of Mustafar.
Duel on Mustafar

"If you're not with me, then you're my enemy!"
"Only a Sith deals in absolutes. I will do what I must."
"You will try!"
—Anakin and Obi-Wan before their duel

Obi-Wan on Mustafar during his climactic duel with Darth Vader.
Obi-Wan on Mustafar during his climactic duel with Darth Vader.

When they arrived Anakin spoke to Padmé alone, but when Obi-Wan appeared Anakin became enraged and began to Force-choke Padmé and stopped just before killing her. The two adversaries then started a very heated argument in which Obi-Wan tried to turn his former Padawan back from the dark side, but it only confirmed Yoda's words. Anakin Skywalker was dead -- Darth Vader was in his place. Obi-Wan realized that there was no hope for Anakin. Vader then attacked his former master, Obi-Wan reluctantly battling him for what would not be the last time. The two fought all over the massive lava complex, with Vader constantly driving Obi-Wan back with ferocious attacks. They even battled on a platform that floated on a lava river. Obi-Wan then jumped for a nearby hill, and told Anakin that it was over now that he had gained the 'high ground'. Vader responded that Obi-Wan underestimated him, and tried to jump over to his former master. Obi-Wan ended up cutting off both of Vader's legs and his remaining natural arm, sending him towards one of Mustafar's many lava rivers' banks where Vader caught fire and was nearly immolated.

As Vader lay cursing his former master, Kenobi replied,

"You were the Chosen One!! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them!! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness! ...You were my brother, Anakin! I loved you!"

Taking Anakin's blue lightsaber as Vader cried out his everlasting hatred for Kenobi, Obi-Wan left the planet as Palpatine and his clone escorts arrived, narrowly rescuing the Sith Apprentice from death. Despite his Jedi detachment and strength of will, this would weigh on Kenobi for the rest of his life.

"I will take the child and watch over him."
—Obi-Wan Kenobi to Yoda and Bail Organa, referring to Luke

Kenobi bringing Baby Luke to Tatooine where he and Luke remained until the Galactic Civil War.
Kenobi bringing Baby Luke to Tatooine where he and Luke remained until the Galactic Civil War.

After leaving Mustafar, Obi-Wan took Padmé to Polis Massa. There, with Bail Organa and Master Yoda, the three of them discovered that Padmé was carrying twins, not one, and had to be operated on quickly if they were to save the babies because Padmé was literally dying of a broken heart. Obi-Wan served as Padmé's coach as the babies were born. Padmé gave her japor snippet to Obi-Wan, to keep for her but he didn't understand the significance of this gesture so he decided to bury it with her

Kenobi, Organa, and Yoda all agreed that Obi-Wan would take Anakin's son Luke to Anakin's step-brother Owen Lars and his wife Beru on Tatooine. Organa meanwhile would take Anakin's daughter Leia to Alderaan, and Yoda would hide on the swamp world of Dagobah.
Exile (19 BBY–0 BBY)

"That wizard's just a crazy old man. I don't think he exists anymore. He died about the same time as your father."
—Owen Lars to Luke Skywalker

Obi-Wan at the time of his exile on Tatooine.
Obi-Wan at the time of his exile on Tatooine.

During the Imperial era, Kenobi was forced into hiding on the remote desert planet Tatooine, where he went by the name of Ben. Taking Grievous' starfighter to Nar Shaddaa, Kenobi sold the ship and booked passage to the desert world, along with his young passenger, the baby Luke.

Self-exiled on Tatooine, Kenobi spoke with his departed master, Qui-Gon Jinn through a technique passed down to him by Yoda which had in turn been taught to the old Jedi Master by Qui-Gon.

During the first days of his exile, Obi-Wan visited the Lars Homestead every day, always trying to stay clear of Owen and Beru so that they would not see him and watching Luke from afar. It was during these visits that he would contemplate on Anakin's "death", though he still had an inkling that he was in fact alive as well as wondering why his former Master, Qui-Gon, had not yet contacted him from beyond death. During one of these visits, the Lars' discovered that twenty of their vaporators had been stolen by the Sandpeople. Owen decided to gather a group of farmers to combat the Tuskens and win his vaporators back through a bloody war, Obi-Wan had other ideas.

Instead, Obi-Wan set out on his own and managed to track the Sandpeople through their tracks, contemplating his memories of his old apprentice before finally meeting with a group of Tuskens at dusk. At first things went well, as he quickly managed to find out which tent the Sandpeople were keeping the stolen vaporators in, Obi-Wan managed to silently break into the tent and load them onto a bantha without alerting the nearby Tuskens. Unfortunately, as he was about to leave, he was spotted by a lone Tusken Raider male.

The Raider attacked him immediately, Obi-Wan quickly managed to slice through the attacker's weapon with his lightsaber, causing the Raider to howl. This alerted many others in the camp who all came out to meet with the foe. They all attacked him and Obi-Wan found himself drawing upon his anger, but he was able to let go of this dark and destructive feeling. Instead of murdering the entire clan as Anakin Skywalker had done in the past, Obi-Wan cleverly chose to cut their clothes off to reveal their skin; a taboo to the Sandpeople, which would usually result in others of the tribe murdering the offenders. This gave him time to escape on the bantha with the vaporators and gained him an almost legendary reputation amongst the Sandpeople.

On returning to the Lars Homestead, Obi-Wan was met with an icy welcome, Owen informed him that they did not need his help, as they were a family and could have handled it on their own. Obi-Wan left the farm, going back into his solitude and his contemplation.

For the first few months of his self-imposed exile Obi-Wan had no idea what had become of Vader after he had left him to his fate on Mustafar, but one day at a cantina Obi-Wan finally heard that Darth Vader was alive when news reached him of the terrible Battle of Kashyyyk. He was shocked that Jedi thought they could band together to defeat Darth Vader. He had hoped that they would go into hiding like he and Yoda did.

Unbeknownst to Obi-Wan he was also being rigorously hunted down by Vader, who had tortured several Jedi in order to find Kenobi's whereabouts, and sparing no expense to do so. This would work to Vader's disadvantage however when Kenobi was said to have been at the infamous Conclave on Kessel.
Adventures with Ferus Olin

Over the next few months, Obi-Wan felt he was ready to train in the way of the Whills, but Qui-Gon's spirit told him that he was not, and that he must realize it for himself why in order to begin. Roughly a year into his exile, Kenobi overheard spacers discussing events on Bellassa, where an ex-Jedi named Ferus Olin was on the run from Imperial forces. With the spirit of Qui-Gon temporarily looking after three-year-old Luke, Kenobi went to Bellassa, where he helped Ferus escape the ruthless Inquisitor Malorum. Pursued by Boba Fett, Kenobi and Olin escaped to the Red Twins.

Evading the bounty hunter, Kenobi and Olin eventually found themselves on the planet Acherin where they met two former Separatists now against the Empire, a man named Toma and a skilled pilot named Raina Quill. With these new companions, as well as a boy from Bellassa, Trever Flume, Kenobi and Olin escaped the Imperials. Kenobi learned from Toma that Garen Muln, an old Jedi friend of his, survived Order 66 and was hiding on the frozen world of Ilum. Olin went to rescue Muln, while Kenobi went to Polis Massa to make sure Luke and Leia's birth was still a secret from the Empire. There he encountered the Inquisitor Sancor and was forced to eliminate him (though it was Sancor who accidentally killed himself).

Returning to Ilum, Kenobi picked up Ferus, Trever, and Garen and brought them to an asteroid that Ferus planned to make into a safe haven for Jedi. Olin asked Kenobi to join him, but the Jedi master turned it down, and returned to Tatooine. Upon Kenobi's return, Qui-Gon's spirit came to him once again, this time to tell him he was ready to train in the way of the Whills.
Later missions
Warning: The following section is non-canon. It contains information explicitly released under the Infinities brand, and/or confirmed to be non-canon by the author or Lucasfilm. Everything said in this section and not elsewhere did not happen in the "proper" Star Wars continuity.
Obi-Wan Kenobi during 16 BBY.
Obi-Wan Kenobi during 16 BBY.

Around 16 BBY, Kenobi was finally tracked down by an individual he thought he had defeated many years ago, Darth Maul, rebuilt with cybernetic legs. Maul claimed to have been tracking Kenobi for years and only just missing him on Kamino, Geonosis and Mustafar and indeed having killed witnesses on Polis Massa before he had finally gained crucial information in Mos Espa from Watto, whom he had also killed. Maul proceeded to the Lars homestead where he threatened to kill a toddler-aged Luke Skywalker if Kenobi did not show himself.

Kenobi, not wanting any harm to come to Luke, revealed himself from his hiding place in the sand and attacked Maul immediately. A ferocious battle ensued in which Maul lost a further arm as well as some of his horns before Kenobi was able to beat him into submission. With his lightsaber hilt to Maul's forehead and his finger on the blade-ignition button, Kenobi hesitated to execute his helpless opponent, but had the decision taken out of his hands when the revived Owen blew the former Sith's head apart with his damaged rifle. Obi-Wan said he would take the body and burn it in the Dune Sea, to which Owen replied, "I told you I'd keep him safe, and I will. Even if that means from you. You don't come back here. Understand?" Obi-Wan departed with Maul's corpse, speaking to Luke through the Force, assuring him "Don't worry. I'll be right here... even if you can't see me."
Non-canon information ends here.

It is believed that Kenobi was also responsible for the secreting away in the Lost City of the Jedi on Yavin 4 of the young Ken, just under seven years before the Battle of Yavin. Certainly, Kenobi knew of the city's location, as he would later send Luke Skywalker there, and Ken himself seemed to have vague memories of a "brown-robed Jedi Master".
Ben recalls once going by the name Obi-Wan.
Ben recalls once going by the name Obi-Wan.

A few years later, Kenobi had found Luke and his friend Windy alone in the Jundland Wastes. The two youths had tried to ease their boredom by riding Windy's pet dewback around in the Wastes. They had been thrown in one of the canyons. By dusk, Luke and Windy still hadn't found their way out of the canyon and had been cornered in a cave by a krayt dragon. The dragon ate Windy's dewback and would've devoured Luke and Windy had Kenobi not put it in a Force-induced sleep. Kenobi guided them back to the Lars farm, Owen told Luke and his friend to go inside so they would be out of earshot, then he confronted and berated Kenobi.

The reason for Owen's anger was that Kenobi had attempted to give Anakin's lightsaber to Luke, feeling that Luke was old enough and should be allowed to have it. Owen refused to allow it because he believed the Jedi path was a destructive one. He told Kenobi that he didn't want Luke to make the same mistakes Anakin did, saying that he felt Anakin should have never left his mother and gotten involved with the "damn foolish idealistic Jedi crusaders" in the first place. He vehemently told Kenobi to leave and to stay away.

Kenobi continue to watch over Luke from a distance, sometimes seeing him pilot his T-16 very skillfully.

This long period of isolation would have a lasting effect on Kenobi. In order to hide himself from Palpatine and his Jedi hunters Obi-Wan kept his use of the Force to a minimum, using it to train in the way of the Whills. It would appear that Obi-Wan's connection to the Force became much deeper during this period, although his ascetic lifestyle led to a physical decline.
Return (0 BBY)
Taking another apprentice

"Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope."
—Leia Organa

Luke Skywalker becomes Kenobi's final apprentice.
Luke Skywalker becomes Kenobi's final apprentice.

Thirty-two years after the Battle of Naboo, Kenobi rescued Luke Skywalker from Tusken Raiders while Luke was tracking the errant R2-D2, who insisted he had a message for an “Obi-Wan Kenobi”. Kenobi eventually saw R2-D2's message from Princess Leia Organa asking for his assistance in delivering the schematics of the Death Star to Bail Organa on Alderaan. Kenobi was willing to help, and took young Luke Skywalker under his wing, giving him his father Anakin's lightsaber in order to teach him the ways of the Force with the intention of fully training the boy later, on Alderaan.

When Luke asked Kenobi about his father, Kenobi disguised the truth from him, saying,

A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights. He betrayed and murdered your father. Now the Jedi are all but extinct.

In Kenobi's way of thinking, this was not untrue: Anakin Skywalker died the moment he betrayed the Jedi and chose the path of murder, completely becoming Darth Vader, much to the confusion of Luke.

"Where did you dig up that old fossil?"
—Han Solo

After Luke found his aunt and uncle killed by stormtroopers the formerly reluctant Luke decided he would go with Obi-Wan to Alderaan and to learn about the Force like his father. Pleased with this answer Obi-Wan took Luke and the droids to Mos Eisley spaceport to find a ship to take them to Alderaan. Using a Jedi mind trick Obi-Wan got the group past several stormtroopers who stopped them, which amazed Luke. Obi-Wan also bailed Luke out of trouble with a dangerous criminal and his Aqualish friend in a cantina, although it resulted in Obi-Wan chopping off the Aqualish's arm. There Obi-Wan met the Wookiee Chewbacca who drew his attention to a possible ship. After some negotiation, Han Solo agreed to fly them to Alderaan. In the hanger they were ambushed by several Imperial Storm Troopers. Eventually Kenobi, Luke, and the droids C-3PO and R2-D2 were able to find passage to Alderaan on smuggler Han Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon
Last stand on the Death Star

"I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you I was but the learner. Now I am the Master."
"Only a master of evil, Darth."
—Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi

Kenobi duels his former apprentice, Darth Vader, for the final time.
Kenobi duels his former apprentice, Darth Vader, for the final time.

Before they could reach their destination, Alderaan was destroyed by the Imperial Super Weapon's, Death Star. The Falcon was captured by the Death Star. Kenobi and the others managed to elude capture, and the others even rescued the captive Princess Leia while Kenobi deactivated the tractor beam so the Falcon could escape.

On his way back to the ship, Kenobi encountered his old student, Darth Vader. Vader had earlier surmised to Grand Moff Tarkin that Kenobi had intended from the beginning to meet him in combat. Kenobi distracted Vader and his stormtroopers in a fierce duel, allowing Luke and the rest of the crew to reach the Falcon. During their battle, Vader mocked Obi-Wan by saying:

"Your powers are weak, old man."
—Darth Vader to Obi-Wan Kenobi

Kenobi cryptically warned Vader:

"You can't win Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."
—Obi-Wan Kenobi to Darth Vader

Upon seeing Luke he sacrificed himself for Luke and the Falcon's crew escape. Kenobi let down his guard and concentrated for a moment, vanishing to the spiritual plane; his body disappearing entirely just as Vader's lightsaber, instead of severing his body, passed through his empty robe. It is thought that Kenobi vanished into the force to teach Luke a lesson, about how there is no death, there is only the Force as Yoda had said many years before.
Post mortem (0 BBY–9 ABY)

"The Force will be with you. Always."
—Obi-Wan Kenobi to Luke Skywalker

Anakin Skywalker, Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi after their deaths as seen by Luke Skywalker.[1]
Anakin Skywalker, Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi after their deaths as seen by Luke Skywalker.[1]

Kenobi did not vanish entirely. In accordance with his prediction, he became a Force ghost that could guide and counsel the young Luke from afar.

The spirit of Kenobi played a vital role in the Battle of Yavin, for he was able to guide Skywalker in successfully destroying the Death Star I, instructing Luke to "Use the Force" when firing his proton torpedoes. When Luke was shocked into a catatonic state by the dark presence of Darth Vader, Obi-Wan appeared in a dream to help him fight his fear of the Dark Lord. Later, his spirit temporarily took control of Luke's body, allowing him to survive his first duel with Darth Vader on the mist-shrouded planet of Mimban, and even allowed Luke to knock the Dark Lord into a deep pit. His guidance also aided Luke in destroying a rogue moon that threatened the New Academy for space pilots. Kenobi's spirit also later appeared on Mustafar.

Kenobi's memory was also exploited by the Empire. A few months after the Battle of Yavin Darth Vader devised a plan to capture Luke using an actor posing as Obi-Wan. Using this decoy Vader planned to lure Luke to the planet Aridus. Imperial surgeons and technicians also altered the actor's appearance and hid devices on the actor to simulate the Force. The false Kenobi was delivered to Aridus to help the rebellion being staged there, news of his exploits soon reached Luke's ears. The actor was ordered to lure Luke to the Iron Tower on the planet where he would meet Vader alone. The actor became so obsessed with this challenging role that he began to respect the dead Kenobi, and in the end sabotaged Vader's plan by destroying the Iron Tower. However this cost the actor his life.

Luke was not the only person Obi-Wan appeared to, having been seen on the planet Mustafar. He assisted an anonymous spacer in the destruction of a Sith Lord and very powerful crystal.
Obi-Wan appearing before Skywalker shortly after the Battle of Endor.
Obi-Wan appearing before Skywalker shortly after the Battle of Endor.

On Hoth, when Luke was almost dead from a wampa attack and exposure to the harsh climate, Kenobi appeared to him and instructed him to go to the Dagobah system for further training with Yoda "the Jedi Master who instructed me." He also helped to convince Yoda that Luke was ready to be trained, reminding him that he himself had been much like Luke when Yoda had trained him to be an apprentice. He reappeared after the death of Yoda to explain why he did not tell Luke the truth about his father and confess that Leia was Luke's sister, and to warn Luke about the powers of the Emperor. Kenobi was seen shortly after the Battle of Endor, standing next to the spirits of Anakin and Yoda as they watched Luke and the other rebels celebrate their momentous victory, although Luke was the only one able to see them.

It was also thanks to Jedi information kept safe at Kenobi's home on Tatooine that Luke was able to find out how to make his own lightsaber before the Battle of Endor.

Kenobi spoke to Luke again, immediately after the Battle of Endor, warning him of the threat posed by the invading Ssi-ruuvi Imperium, and would also help Luke find the fabled Lost City of the Jedi.

Kenobi, Yoda, and Anakin again appeared to Luke in spirit form a few months later to warn him of the dangers presented by the Dark Lord of Belderone, Flint, apprentice of Lady Lumiya. Because of their warning, Luke was able to redeem Flint, leaving Lumiya without an apprentice.

In 9 ABY, Kenobi, still a spirit, visited Luke for the last time in a dream. Kenobi told Luke that he must move on from his spirit form to another realm. As Kenobi explained it, from the time of his death until then, Kenobi's spirit had been in an intermediate stage between life and the afterlife. Luke was distressed that he would lose Kenobi's guidance, but he comforted Luke with his final words:

"Not the last of the old Jedi, Luke. The first of the new."

Luke would only hear his ghostly mentor's voice again during his son's birth, a son he named Ben to honor Kenobi's memory.

"Ben is a great man!"
—Luke Skywalker to Han Solo

Obi-Wan Kenobi appears to Luke in a vision over Coruscant.
Obi-Wan Kenobi appears to Luke in a vision over Coruscant.

As mentor to the first Jedi of the new order and one of the earliest heroes of the Rebel Alliance, Kenobi's legacy would continue long after his death. When Luke lost his lightsaber in the duel with Darth Vader on Bespin, he returned to Kenobi's hut on Tatooine to construct a new one from instructions left in Kenobi's journals. Kenobi's spartan hovel was actually a treasure trove of Jedi information, one of the very few repositories left after the Great Jedi Purge. The information contained there would be a great help to Luke in his reconstruction of the Order.

His name was commemorated with the Obi-Wan, first of the Nebula-class Star Destroyers as well as the lightsaber crystal Kenobi's Legacy.

Obi-Wan's Jedi legacy also continues in his namesake Ben Skywalker, the grandson of his first apprentice Anakin Skywalker and the son of his second apprentice Luke Skywalker.

Tacticians, both from the Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance would pay homage to the General through the study of the Kenobi Offensive, a starship maneuver developed by Kenobi during the Clone Wars. Rebel pilots would also strive to be awarded the Kenobi Medallion, named after the Jedi Master.

Kenobi's lightsaber lay in Lord Vader's quarters during the Battle of Yavin. This fragment of the Death Star was eventually acquired by Ugors and transported to the Paradise Sector. Shortly after the bombardment of Dankayo, the Rebel crew of the Bonderium visited the wreckage and retrieved Kenobi's relic.
Anakin Solo using Kenobi's lightsaber to defeat Orloc.
Anakin Solo using Kenobi's lightsaber to defeat Orloc.

Apparently, the weapon was later recovered by the Empire since a group of Jedi including Tionne Solusar, Ikrit, Anakin Solo, Tahiri Veila, R2-D2 and Uldir Lochett discovered the blade at Vader's fortress of Bast Castle's on Vjun in 22 ABY. However, they encountered "Mage" Orloc and his henchmen during the expedition though they managed to escape with the blade and an ancient Jedi holocron.

However, Uldir Lochett, a classmate of Anakin Solo, stole the lightsaber believing that it would make him a great Jedi. He then went to find Orloc since he believed that Orloc possessed great powers and found him at Exis Station. However, Uldir would later learn that Orloc was actually a fraud since he possessed no Force powers at all. Luckily for Uldir, his Jedi companions came to his rescue and defeated Orloc. The weapon and the holocron were recovered and returned to the Jedi Praxeum.

The Sith cult known as the Jensaarai, which taught that the Jedi had fallen to the dark side and that the Sith knew the truth, believed that the roles of Darth Vader and Kenobi were reversed, as they saw Obi-Wan as the monster. This was corrected when the cult was integrated into the greater Jedi Order by Luke Skywalker.
Personality and traits

"You will be a great Jedi Knight, Obi-Wan Kenobi. I know that with every breath, with every beat of my heart. You will make me proud. I was there at your beginnings. If you do have a flaw, perhaps it is simply this: You wish to please me too much."
—Qui-Gon Jinn

Master Kenobi.
Master Kenobi.

In his youth (circa 32 BBY), the loyal and dedicated Kenobi possessed a dry sense of humor and sarcastic wit. Yoda said that he sensed Qui-Gon's defiance in him, but spoke very highly of him nonetheless. Qui-Gon himself reflected upon Kenobi's considerable knowledge and potential. Despite having been apprenticed to the radical Qui-Gon Jinn, Kenobi was relatively orthodox in his views.

As a young Jedi Knight, Obi-Wan was cynical, though wise beyond his years. His humble and soft-spoken demeanor belied his warrior prowess. Despite his numerous complaints during flight, he was also a quite skilled pilot. In many ways, he represented the strength of the old Jedi Order: steadfast, selfless, and modest. His later skill at resolving disputes without a single battle would earn him the sobriquet The Negotiator.

Over time, Kenobi lost some of his youthful audacity and assumed the role of a more cautious and conservative mentor to Anakin Skywalker, who was in many ways his opposite in personality. Kenobi carefully measured his actions in any situation, garnering him the aforementioned nom de guerre. Kenobi was also known to be an accomplished story teller. While hiding in the Jundland Wastes in his later years, he appeared as a kindly and eccentric old hermit (or, in Owen Lars' words, a "crazy old wizard") to those not familiar with the ways of the Jedi. In his final days, Kenobi retained his traits of patience and foresight as well as gaining some of the boldness reminiscent of his youth.
Powers and abilities

"He's as wise as Master Yoda and powerful as Master Windu."
—Anakin Skywalker to Padmé Amidala

Obi-Wan, Master of Soresu.
Obi-Wan, Master of Soresu.

Despite his preference for diplomacy, Master Kenobi was one of the greatest swordsmen and Force users of his era. As a young Jedi padawan, Obi-Wan showed much potential, through feats such as resisting a memory wipe (being renewed) at the hands of the Syndicat, and defeating a corrupt Bruck Chun in a lightsaber duel. Obi-Wan was also the storied master of the defensive Soresu form of lightsaber combat. Even masters such as Mace Windu acknowledged Obi-Wan's prowess with this simple and solid form. In his early years, Kenobi was trained in Ataru, but later abandoned it because its lack of defense resulted in the death of his master, Qui-Gon Jinn. Obi-Wan still kept Ataru elements in numerous battles. Kenobi also knew elements of Shii-Cho, infusing its aspects into his swordplay including the rematch with Count Dooku onboard the Invisible Hand, Sokan, which he utilized in his fight against Darth Vader, and Niman, sometimes using its opening stance, that is, with the blade cocked high.

Along with Kenobi's lightsaber mastery, he was trained in Mind trick, Force persuasion and the more advanced Dominate Mind skill. He had learned from the spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn the ability to become a Force ghost, something he later used to guide and counsel Luke Skywalker.

Kenobi was also capable of a very powerful Force Push, which he used against Grievous during their duel in 19 BBY.

And despite his dislike of flying, Kenobi was an excellent pilot. As a Padawan, he was known as one of the greatest pilots in the Jedi Order, expressing great interest in the early Jedi starfighter program. During the Clone Wars, he led many attacks from the cockpit of his Jedi interceptor, often designated as Red Leader.

In his later years, Kenobi apparently learned to understand Wookiee language and other alien languages.
Kenobi's lightsabers

When Obi-Wan was a youngling and Padawan, he was given a lightsaber by an unknown Jedi, probably Yoda. His first Padawan lightsaber accompanied him until an unknown circumstance. Obi-Wan built a new lightsaber based by the designs of his friend Quinlan Vos and his Master Qui-Gon Jinn.

The second Padawan lightsaber was with him until he battled the Sith, Darth Maul, who disarmed Kenobi and kicked his lightsaber down a generator shaft. To defeat Maul, Obi-Wan used Force pull to reach for his fallen Master's discarded lightsaber and kill Darth Maul. There were debates as to what happened to Obi-Wan's second Padawan lightsaber. It was either that he used the Force to get his saber back or replaced his lost one by making an exact replica.

Ten years after his Master's death and the approval of his training of young Anakin Skywalker, Kenobi still used the same design of his second Padawan lightsaber. This lightsaber was lost when Obi-Wan was captured by the Separatists of Count Dooku on Geonosis. He was later given a lightsaber by one of the Jedi in the task force that had come to rescue him, Anakin and Senator Amidala.

During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan built his last lightsaber. This last one was based by the design of his first Padawan saber. During his exile, he tinkered with its parts.

Even after his death, he left a journal of how to create a lightsaber. Luke used that journal to build his first lightsaber based on the design of Obi-Wan's. In the New Jedi Order, that design gave new inspirations to the newer generations like Jaina Solo and Anakin Solo.
Kenobi's second lightsaber model.

Kenobi's fourth and final lightsaber model.

Kenobi's final lightsaber as of 0 BBY.
Behind the scenes

Obi-Wan Kenobi is played by Ewan McGregor in The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith. For A New Hope, Obi-Wan Kenobi was played by Sir Alec Guinness, who reprised the role as Obi-Wan's ghost in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. In the Clone Wars micro-series, the Battlefront II video game, and the Revenge of the Sith video game, Obi-Wan is voiced by James Arnold Taylor. David Davies provided the voice in the games Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds and Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader. In the radio dramatizations, he was voiced by Bernard Behrens. Obi-Wan also appears in numerous comic books and novels set in the era of the prequel trilogy. Obi-Wan's spirit appears occasionally in Expanded Universe material set during and just after the original trilogy, with his final appearance to Luke taking place in Heir to the Empire. His spirit speaks to Luke once again, however, in The Unifying Force.
Sir Alec Guinness portrays an older, wiser Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Original Trilogy.
Sir Alec Guinness portrays an older, wiser Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Original Trilogy.
Character development

In the early drafts of Star Wars, Luke Skywalker was portrayed as the aged general returning to galactic affairs. Rewrites would change Luke to the hero and Obi-Wan into the aging mentor.

In the third draft of Star Wars, Obi-Wan is said to be the author of The Diary of the Clone Wars, an important book that was studied by a young Luke.

A trait of the early Jedi concepts was a piercing warrior cry that would frighten all those who challenged them. This became the krayt dragon call that Obi-Wan performs to frighten the Tusken Raiders.

The name 'Obi-Wan' curiously resembles a droid name (eg. Emkay (MK), Threepio (3PO), Artoo (R2) etc), and theoretically it could also be written as OB1.
Birth place
Ewan McGregor in his last performance as Obi-Wan in Revenge of the Sith.
Ewan McGregor in his last performance as Obi-Wan in Revenge of the Sith.

It is indicated in the novelization of Revenge of the Sith that he speaks with a Coruscanti accent, although, as he was trained at the Jedi Temple on that planet, this may not be a clue as to his homeworld. Attack of the Clones: The Visual Dictionary identifies Obi-Wan as Coruscanti in the Dexter Jettster section, but again, since he was raised in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, this doesn't necessarily indicate the planet of his birth. Early printings of The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook and Star Wars Screen Entertainment both state that Obi-Wan was born on Tatooine, and while his homeworld has yet to be revealed, this is highly unlikely, considering the planet's distance from the Core and the fact that Anakin Skywalker resided there and wasn't discovered until he was nine years of age. Furthermore, these two sources were written during a time when it was widely (but ultimately erroneously) accepted that Obi-Wan was the estranged brother of Owen Lars, who, at the time, was also believed to have been born on Tatooine before it was revealed he was born on Ator.

Monday, January 22, 2007


"This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster. An elegant weapon for a more civilized age."
Obi-Wan Kenobi

Designed as much for elegance in combat as for ceremony, the lightsaber was a distinctive weapon, the very image of which was inextricably bound with the mythos of the Jedi.

It was a blade of pure energy emitted from a hilt most often crafted by the wielder to match their own needs, preferences, and style. Because of the unique balance of the saber, with all its weight in the hilt, and a strong gyroscopic effect it was very difficult for the untrained to wield. In the hands of an expert in tune with the Force, such as the Jedi or their fallen brethren, the Sith, the lightsaber was a weapon to be greatly respected, even feared. To wield a lightsaber was to demonstrate incredible skill and confidence, as well as masterful dexterity and attunement to the Force.

Through the millennia of their use, the lightsaber became synonymous with the Jedi and their values to uphold peace and justice throughout the galaxy. This perception endured despite the many early conflicts with Sith and dark Jedi who also wielded what the general populace often called laser swords.


Odan-Urr wielding his archaic lightsaber.
Odan-Urr wielding his archaic lightsaber.
"I thought a Jedi was supposed to be married to their lightsaber."
Atton Rand

Since the formation of the Tython Jedi after the Force Wars circa 25,000 BBY, ceremonial weapons have been an integral part of the order. The first Knights used alloy swords imbued with elements of the Force through a ritual called the Jedi Forge. Later, combining advanced offworld technology with the forging ritual, the Jedi learned to "freeze" a laser beam, technology that would lead the Jedi toward the design of future lightsabers.

By the time of the Duinuogwuin Contention around 15,500 BBY, the order's studies in energy technology yielded success; the Jedi developed a method to generate a focused beam of energy that arced circumferentially back to its source, creating the first portable high-energy blade. These preliminary lightsabers were terribly unstable and inefficiently guzzled power from a belt-mounted power supply; they could only be used for brief durations before overheating. Because of these flaws in design, the first lightsabers were little more than ceremonial appurtenance to the Jedi apparel, seldom worn, much less utilized.

The stability shortfalls that plagued the weapon's previous designs were corrected through the ages, so that by the Hundred-Year Darkness of 7,000 BBY the cumbersome and rare siege weapons gave way to elegant and more commonly used lightsabers. Despite their stability, however, power output continued to be an issue. They still required the belt-worn power pack of previous generations. The power cable from belt to blade tended to restrict the Jedi's movement in combat, thus preventing the discovery of the saber throw. However, the newly stable blade granted them a superior advantage in hand-to-hand combat against heavily armored foes.

Vima-Da-Boda holds out a lightsaber constructed c. 10,000 BBY.
Vima-Da-Boda holds out a lightsaber constructed c. 10,000 BBY.

It wasn't until after the Great Hyperspace War that the modern lightsaber was designed. The restricting power cable and external power pack of old designs were replaced with internal power components by the time of the Gank Massacres in 4,800 BBY. An internal superconductor was introduced which transferred the returning looped energy from the negative-charged flux aperture back into an internal power cell. With this modification, the power cell would only expend power when the energy loop was broken (when the lightsaber blade cut into something), at last solving the ages-old power supply problem.

After the Great Jedi Purge, lightsabers became rare relics prized by some collectors. In the years of Palpatine's Empire, some lightsabers found their way onto the black market and were sold for untold amounts. They only truly re-entered the galactic scene with the rise of the New Jedi Order, thanks to the teachings of Luke Skywalker and the re-discovery of ancient Jedi holocrons and teachings believed lost after the Jedi Purges.

After the fall of Palpatine and the re-emergence of the Jedi, other groups of Force-users like Desann's Reborn and the Disciples of Ragnos mass-produced lightsabers to arm their fast-growing legions. By contrast, the New Jedi maintained the old ways and rituals, using their connections with the Force to personally construct their own sabers. The Imperial Knights also constructed their own lightsabers, ensuring that although they were of the same design, each weapon was unique. These lightsabers were seen as symbols of how the individual self was less than the Empire the Knights served.


"Ideally, a Jedi took many months to construct a single perfect weapon that he or she would keep and use for a lifetime. Once you build it, the lightsaber will become your constant companion, your tool, and a ready means of defense."
Luke Skywalker
Padawan Barriss Offee completes the construction of her lightsaber in the crystal caves of Ilum.
Padawan Barriss Offee completes the construction of her lightsaber in the crystal caves of Ilum.

The ritual of constructing one's own lightsaber was an integral part of Jedi training, and involved not just technological skill, but also a close attunement to the Force. In the days of the Old Republic, the ice caverns of Ilum were used as a ceremonial site where Padawans came to build their first sabers. It was here and similar places like the caves near the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine that the Jedi would choose the best focusing crystal for them through meditation and communion with the Force, then complete the assembly of their lightsaber.

Traditionally, constructing a lightsaber took about a month. This includes assembling the pieces, both by hand and with the Force, and meditating to imbue the crystals. However, in dire need, lightsaber development could be rushed. Corran Horn's first lightsaber, a dual-phase lightsaber constructed during his time under cover as an Invid pirate, is an example of one made using this technique.

The lightsaber's hilt consisted of an alloy cylinder traditionally 25 to 30 centimeters long; however, design and dimensions of hilts varied greatly in part to the preferences and physiological needs of each creator. The hilt casing contained the intricate components that created and shaped the unique blade. High powered energy was unleashed through a series of positively charged focusing lenses and energizers, manifesting a beam of energy that extended outward from the base to a length of about a meter, then arced circumferentially back to a negatively charged fissure ringing the emitter. A superconductor completed the power loop by feeding the transformed energy back into the internal power cell, where the energy loop began anew. By adding up to three focusing crystals of varying attributes, the blade's length and power output could be adjusted using control mechanisms built into the hilt's shaft. Two crystals employing a bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse allowed the blade to be used underwater.

Whether by the fledgling Padawan or the experienced master, construction of the lightsaber began with the acquisition of the necessary components with which to build the weapon. All lightsabers contain some common basic components:

A cutaway of Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber from A New Hope.
A cutaway of Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber from A New Hope.
  • A handgrip;
  • An activation stud plate;
  • A safety switch;
  • An emitter matrix;
  • A lens assembly;
  • A power cell;
  • A power conduit;
  • A recharge socket;
  • One to three focusing crystals.

Many lightsabers, such as that wielded by Zayne Carrick in 3,964 BBY, made use of a pressure sensor in the hilt's grip that deactivated the blade whenever it was released. Notably, Darth Maul's double-bladed lightsaber lacked such a security measure. Other lightsabers were constructed either without the pressure sensor or with a locking mechanism to keep the blade activated when thrown or dropped.

Traditionally, the crystal was the last component to be sought. It was the very life essence of the weapon, and gave it both its color and potency. Much scrutiny went into the selection of this final and most important element of the lightsaber.

With all the components in hand, the Jedi would begin the assembly process. Because of the intricacies of the technology used, the Force was employed to bind the components at a molecular level. This micro-manipulation of the components enabled the closed loop design to operate with near-perfect efficiency. A Jedi would often spend weeks or months putting it together, making sure that each part fit perfectly, and that it met their exact preferences in length, color, blade frequency, etc., though at the height of the Clone Wars it was reported that one could be built in as little as two days.

While many lightsabers appear similar at first glance, closer inspection reveals many differences (subtle or obvious) in design. Because each Jedi personally constructed his or her own weapon from scratch, no two lightsabers were the same. However, some Padawan learners built their lightsabers to resemble those of their Masters as a sign of respect.

The knowledge of lightsaber construction largely disappeared during the extermination of the Jedi, but Luke Skywalker found the records and the materials he needed to construct his first lightsaber in Obi-Wan Kenobi's hut on Tatooine.

Crystal variants

Main article: Lightsaber crystals
"The crystal is the heart of the blade. The heart is the crystal of the Jedi. The Jedi is the crystal of the Force. The Force is the blade of the heart. All are intertwined: the crystal, the blade, the Jedi. You are one."
Luminara Unduli, during a lightsaber construction ceremony in Clone Wars Chapter 14 (audio)Listen

Crystal color, type and number contributed to some of the variations often found in lightsabers. The color of the crystal used decided the eventual color of the lightsaber 'blade'.

During the Great Sith War epoch, many lightsabers were created using Kunda Stones, a natural geologic formation from the planet Kadril. These stones boasted numerous practical applications in medicine and communications; however, when added to other focusing crystals, they produced a more broad beam.

After discovering the Kaiburr Crystal on Mimban, Luke Skywalker added a small shard of it to the focusing crystal assembly in his lightsaber. The fragment of the crystal made the blade more powerful and efficient.

Other natural crystals, like Nextor and Damind crystals, could be found throughout the galaxy, and could be used in the shaping of the lightsaber's energy blade.

Some types of pearls or ingots of certain ores could be used instead of crystals.

Hilt variants

Darth Sidious's electrum lightsaber.
Darth Sidious's electrum lightsaber.

Electrum — A lightsaber with a hilt forged from gold-like electrum was often called an "Electrum lightsaber". The electrum finish gave the lightsaber a majestic, regal appearance and in the last days of the Old Jedi Order, golden and electrum lightsabers were reserved for senior members of the Jedi Council. Mace Windu's and Darth Sidious' lightsabers were examples of such kind.

Curve-hilted lightsaber — A standard design during the prime of Form II lightsaber combat, curved hilts allowed more precise movements as well as perfect flexibility in lightsaber-to-lightsaber combat. It was also more complex and gave the maker more of a challenge in aligning its crystals. This lightsaber was known to be used by Count Dooku, his apprentice Komari Vosa, and later his Dark Side Adept Asajj Ventress. Asajj Ventress's lightsabers could combine to make a curved double blade. This was also known as paired lightsabers. Prior to the Battle of Ruusan, the Sith Master Na'daz possessed a lightsaber with a curved hilt. Na'daz's apprentice, Kas'im, acquired that weapon after killing him, and he later presented it to Darth Bane.

Blade variants

Dual-phase Lightsaber — This rare type of lightsaber used a combination of focusing crystals to create a blade that could extend up to double the original length with a simple activation. Unlike typical lightsabers, which often possessed a manual adjustor for reducing the blade emission, the dual-phased blade could be triggered in an instant, adding an element of surprise to catch an opponent off guard. Additionally, dual-phase lightsabers also had a blade-width adjust. Gantoris wielded such a lightsaber, as did Corran Horn and Darth Vader.

Great Lightsaber or Lightclub — Special focusing crystals and power systems enabled this rare lightsaber to project a blade up to 3 meters in length. These large lightsabers were generally used only by beings of immense stature. Gorc, a mutated Gamorrean Dark Jedi, used such a weapon.

Yoda wielding his short lightsaber.
Yoda wielding his short lightsaber.

Short Lightsaber — The short lightsaber employed a shorter blade than the more common lightsaber. The smaller blade allowed for easier use in combat by those Jedi who were of a smaller stature, such as Jedi Masters Yoda, Yaddle and Tsui Choi. Also, a short lightsaber was sometimes utilized in the Niman (Jar'Kai) combat style, which was used by the ancient Jedi Master Kavar.

Shoto — The shoto was a lightsaber with a shorter blade and could be used as an assault knife. Luke Skywalker constructed his own shoto after the Battle of Endor. Because this type of lightsaber had a very small blade, it could be easily used by those not sensitive to the Force. Black Sun Vigo Darnada's bodyguard, Sinya, carried two tonfa-style shoto. Master Sora Bulq during the Clone Wars era was known to carry a shoto which he used in combat with Senior Jedi Master Mace Windu.

Training lightsabers — The training lightsaber was used by Jedi Younglings, to practice lightsaber combat. While non-lethal, contact with the blade could cause bruising and even minor burns. This type of lightsaber was often used in conjunction with the basic Shii-Cho style of lightsaber combat.

Underwater Lightsaber — While most lightsabers short out when the blade touches water, this blade is made to operate underwater. It was carried by Kit Fisto during the battle on Mon Calamari, during the clone wars.

Weapon variants

Darth Maul wields a double-bladed lightsaber against Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Darth Maul wields a double-bladed lightsaber against Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Double-bladed lightsaber — also called a Saberstaff, Lightsaber Lance, or Lightstaff — A long-hilted version of the standard lightsaber. Each blade could be activated independently of one another or simultaneously. It could be one hilt or two normal lightsabers attached together. This was often even more dangerous to the untrained wielder than to the opponent. It came to be known as a Sith lightsaber because it was preferred by Sith and was possibly invented by Dark Lord of the Sith Exar Kun, whose lightsaber was both double-bladed and dual-phase. This made his personal style of lightsaber combat very complex, as he would vary the strength and length of either blade independently; sometimes letting the opponent's blade pass right through his, sometimes blocking. Darth Maul was inspired by Kun and created his own saber staff which he used with amazing prowess. During the Clone Wars, Asajj Ventress was known to connect her two curve-hilted lightsabers at the pommels to form a uniquely S-shaped hilted saber staff.

Fiber-cord linked lightsaber — A form of dual-blade lightsaber, the hilts of this weapon were joined by a fiber cord. More difficult to control than a double-bladed saber, the fiber cord joint of the weapon gave the wielder the benefit of striking from unexpected angles. Asajj Ventress's lightsabers were modified to accommodate a fiber cord link on occasion.

Forked lightsaber — This form of twin-bladed lightsaber was essentially a regular crystal lightsaber with a second emitter coming out of the hilt at a 45 degree angle to the axis of the lightsaber. The hilt was also slightly curved. One of the few known Jedi Knights to use this lightsaber style was Roblio Darté, who fought in the Clone Wars at the Battle of Parcelus Minor.

Lightsaber cane — The Veknoid Jedi Master Zao carried a weathered wooden cane, upon which he attached a lightsaber emitter. Although blind, Zao could still utilize the weapon with frightening accuracy. The Legacy era Sith Darth Nihl also used a lightsaber cane.

Githany fights Kiel Charny with her lightwhip.
Githany fights Kiel Charny with her lightwhip.

Lightwhip — The lightwhip was an exotic variation of the lightsaber that only specially trained Jedi could wield. It could either have a solid core of cortosis or other lightsaber-resistant minerals (see below) or it could be a blade of pure energy. Like the lightsaber, it emitted a coherent beam of energy, but unlike the lightsaber's, it was long and flexible to be wielded like a whip. Known users of the lightwhip included Jedi Kit Fisto, Dark Jedi Lumiya, the Sith Lord Githany, Nightsister Silri, and possibly the Black Sun Vigo Xist.

Tonfa Style Lightsaber — The Tonfa Saber was a perpendicular-gripped lightsaber used by the Black Sun Bodyguard Sinya during her fight with Darth Maul.

Lightsaber colors

Saesee Tiin, Agen Kolar, Mace Windu, and Kit Fisto illustrate the various colors used in Jedi lightsaber construction.
Saesee Tiin, Agen Kolar, Mace Windu, and Kit Fisto illustrate the various colors used in Jedi lightsaber construction.

The color of a lightsaber blade was defined by the focusing crystal used in its construction. The Jedi collected crystals of varying types and hues from natural deposits, whereas the Sith made use of fabricated synth-crystals designed to emanate shades of red. After the purges of the Old Republic's Jedi order, synth-crystals were also shaped and used by Jedi on occasion. Luke Skywalker's green blade and Jaina Solo's purple blade both sprang from synth-crystals.

Prior to the final battle of Ruusan, ancient Jedi wielded blades of every color and hue. Some of the more common colors were orange, yellow, light blue, blue, green, purple, silver, and gold. Some Jedi of that time, such as Sylvar, even wielded blades of red hues, although the order typically avoided any colors that might associate them with the Sith. After the terrifying end of the Ruusan conflict, however, Jedi turned to more common Adegan crystals of blue or green coloration. Other colors did still exist, but were extremely rare. Mace Windu, for example, braved the terrors of Hurikane to find his purple crystal.

After the Great Jedi Purge, the Emperor razed many of the known crystal sites, making it more difficult to find crystals of any hue. After the rise of the New Jedi Order, however, the discovery of long-forgotten resources and the use of synth-crystals brought a variety of colors back to the order's lightsabers.

In the era of the Jedi Civil War, the color of a Jedi's blade was a traditional symbol for the path the Jedi chose in his duties within the order. A green blade was the sign of the Jedi Consulars, scholarly diplomats and negotiators. Blue was the color associated with Jedi Guardians, the physically vigorous defenders of the galaxy. The third color, yellow, was held for those among the Sentinels, Jedi who found their skills balanced between physical prowess and scholarly awareness of the Force. For the purposes of the lightsaber's strength, these crystals functioned identically; color was the only variation.

Contrasting the natural hues of the Jedi sabers, the Sith manufactured synthetic crystals that beamed vibrant red. The engineered qualities of synth-crystals afforded them slightly greater power output and were more easily augmented, though they were more unstable and short-lived than their natural counterparts. Though it rarely happened, a Sith synthetic crystal lightsaber blade was capable of overloading a regular lightsaber in combat, making it short out, thus giving the Sith a small psychological edge over their opponents.

The Imperial Knights all wielded identical silver lightsabers.

Known blade colors

Due to the composition of individual natural crystals, color hues were known to vary. The following is a list of colors identified throughout the history of the lightsaber:

Cutting power

Qui-Gon Jinn cuts through a blast door.
Qui-Gon Jinn cuts through a blast door.

Other than emitting a colored light, a lightsaber blade neither radiated heat nor expended energy until it came into contact with something. The power of the energy blade was so great that it could cut through almost anything, though the speed through which it cut was dependent greatly on the density of the subject. Cleaving flesh, for instance, was a smooth and unobstructed action, while rending a hole in a blast door could take many long seconds. One important note about lightsaber wounds is that they rarely bled profusely, even when a limb had been severed. The energy blade cauterized the wound as it passed, and thus even a severe wound did not tend to bleed heavily.

Resisting the lightsaber

Aside from the blade of another lightsaber, there were rare materials found throughout the galaxy that could withstand a lightsaber blade, but with varying degrees of success:

Cortosis, though a rare and expensive metal, became a common defense against lightsabers in the eras of the Sith Wars. One of the reasons that it was so expensive was the need to refine it. Pure, unrefined, freshly mined Cortosis ore was for unexplained reasons ionized, and anyone who touched it would be killed instantly. Near the end of the Clone Wars, The Separatist army employed Cortosis Battle Droids in an attack on the Jedi Temple. Shortly after Order 66 was given, the Jedi Shadday Potkin attacked Darth Vader with a Cortosis blade during a failed ambush attempt on Kessel. There were three known methods of forging cortosis armor and weapons, each with varying effects:

Shadday Potkin duels Darth Vader using a blade of cortosis weave.
Shadday Potkin duels Darth Vader using a blade of cortosis weave.

The first method was to make the armor or weapon with a cortosis weave, which utilized the ore's primary elements. When contacted by a lightsaber's blade, the cortosis fibers that were worked into the metal caused a surge that shorted out the energy blade. The lightsaber could be reactivated immediately, but it gave the opponent the momentary upper hand. The drawback to the weave was that its alloy construction was still susceptible to damage from the lightsaber attack.

The most common (and inexpensive) method employed during the Jedi Civil War era was the use of a variant cortosis alloy that resisted the lightsaber blade itself, though it did not cause the lightsaber to deactivate as its more pure form did.

The rarest type of cortosis came in the form of a refined metal with all the impure elements removed. Thus purified, there were no "weaker" metals for the lightsaber to damage, and unique conducting elements remained to short out the energy blade. This refined alloy, nicknamed a cortosis shield was most often employed as armor.

Phrik, like cortosis, was a rare metal that could withstand the potency of a lightsaber blade, although unlike the aforementioned metal, Phrik did not possess the ability to cause the blade to short out. Phrik was most notably used in the construction of the electrostaffs wielded by General Grievous's MagnaGuards. Other notable uses of Phrik included elements of Palpatine's lightsaber and Dark Trooper armor.

A Jedi uses his lightsaber against a foe's cortosis alloy vibrosword.
A Jedi uses his lightsaber against a foe's cortosis alloy vibrosword.

Armorweave was a cloth said to give some resistance to lightsabers, though the protection the reinforced material afforded was limited.

Sith Alchemy was employed during the eras of the first Sith Empire to augment the properties of the applied metals so as to counter the seemingly unstoppable lightsaber. The Sith also made use of such elements as cortosis in the forging of their swords. After the original Sith Empire, the most notorious use of Sith alchemy was in the construction and reinforcement of Darth Vader's armor.

Mandalorian iron: A metal used by the Mandalorian warriors.

Yuuzhan Vong bio-engineered weaponry and armor, such as the amphistaff and Vonduun crab armor held a natural, limited resistance to the lightsaber; however, weaknesses were soon found in the armor and staff. Luke Skywalker's first engagement with this bio-technology ended favorably only after striking the Yuuzhan Vong spy's amphistaff repeatedly in the same spot, weakening and ultimately killing it.

Force Weapon: Similarly, weapons that had been Imbued with the Force could be used to parry a lightsaber's blade without harm.

Water: All lightsabers, unless specially made, would short out when they were (to some extent and period of time) submerged in water, due to rapid chain reactions and the instant overpowering of water on the blade. In rain, a lightsaber would steam up, but not short out.

Other counteracting materials existed in the galaxy, such as an unidentified super-conducting metal that was used for ship armor centuries before the Galactic Empire, as well as various energy shields, like Durge's. Some creatures, such as lava dragons, were possessed of natural armor that reflected the blade much as the blade reflected a blaster bolt. It is also probable that quantum-crystalline armor could not be cut by a lightsaber, as it was believed the only way to destroy the material was to send it into a black hole.

Lightsaber Combat

Main article: Lightsaber combat
"An elegant weapon. It was a symbol as well. Anyone can use a blaster or fusioncutter—but to use a lightsaber well was a mark of someone a cut above the ordinary."
—Obi-Wan Kenobi to Luke Skywalker
Darth Sidious using Form IV and Form VII against Grand Master Yoda's own Form IV mastery.
Darth Sidious using Form IV and Form VII against Grand Master Yoda's own Form IV mastery.

The lightsaber was a very versatile weapon, owing to its unique lightness and omni-directional cutting ability. It could be wielded one-handed with ease, though Jedi were routinely trained in using the saber with both hands and either, so as to be prepared for all situations. Early in the weapon's history, when the Sith were numerous, the art of lightsaber dueling flourished. In later periods though, only rarely would Jedi face an adversary with a weapon capable of repelling a lightsaber. Defending themselves against blasters and other laser weapons was introduced early in their training. While a skilled Jedi could actually use his or her blade to reflect blaster bolts back to their source, non-energy based projectiles (slugs, bullets, etc.) would merely be dissolved by the blade.

The Jedi were trained to use the Force as a conduit between the wielder and the weapon. Through this bond in the Force, the blade became an extension of their being; it moved with instinct as though it were a part of the body. The Jedi's attunement to the Force accounted for the almost super-human agility and reflex illustrated in the use of the lightsaber.

Since the lightsaber's invention, the Jedi have established varying forms of style in lightsaber combat which cater to the unique features of the weapon and the bond between it and its owner.

Lightsaber rituals

Concordance of Fealty between Eeth Koth and Mace Windu.
Concordance of Fealty between Eeth Koth and Mace Windu.

Concordance of Fealty

"Master Eeth Koth, I have something to return to you. It is a product of your own hands which you once entrusted to mine. In returning this lightsaber, I return your trust."
—Master Mace Windu

The Jedi tradition of entrusting one's lightsaber to a fellow member of the order was called the Concordance of Fealty. This exchange represented a serious, even sacred bond. The exchange represented the establishment of a reciprocal, master-less learning relationship.

In the hands of non-Force-sensitive users

"This little toy of yours is fun. I can see why you guys get into the whole Jedi thing."

Although the lightsaber was used primarily by the Jedi and Sith Force users, a number of non-Force users were known to have used or possessed a lightsaber:

Marn Hierogryph and Jarael both used Zayne Carrick's lightsaber — the latter to impersonate Sith and Jedi on at least two occasions.

Suvam Tan, the eccentric Rodian inventor, was such a mechanical genius that he managed to construct his own lightsaber from scratch despite not having any Force sensitivity. It's unknown whether or not Suvam was actually able to use his lightsaber, though.

Sinya wielding her Tonfa Style Lightsabers against Darth Maul.
Sinya wielding her Tonfa Style Lightsabers against Darth Maul.

Sinya the Twi'lek bodyguard to the Black Sun Darnada was seen using a pair of Tonfa Style Lightsabers while protecting Darnada from Darth Maul.

Darca Nyl, an ex-mercenary, used the green lightsaber of a dead Jedi during his pursuit of Lycan. Though he rarely used it in battle, it often gave him the advantage of being able to pass for a true Jedi. It was destroyed along with Lycan in a trap laid by Darca in a Force-sensitive cave on Molavar.

Climber, a clone commando, briefly used Jedi Master Roan Shryne's lightsaber by thrusting the glistening weapon into the chest of a Separatist-hired mercenary. He afterward mused that it was more like a tool than a weapon.

General Grievous was probably the most famous user of lightsabers without any Force ability; he used lightsabers during the Clone Wars, all of which were taken from Jedi he had either killed or defeated in battle, except for Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas' lightsaber, which was a gift from Count Dooku. His body's agility and mechanical forearms compensated for lack of Force-sensitivity, allowing him to wield lightsabers with great efficiency.

Ghez Hokan breifly used Jedi Master Kast Fulier's lightsaber, and used it to kill him, and the Weequay Guta-Nay. The lightsaber was retrieved by Fulier's Padawan Etain Tur-Mukan.

Thall Joben once used a green lightsaber, as he explained to his droid C-3PO that he once did some work for someone who owned a speeder, but they left the speeder with him and never reclaimed it; the lightsaber was one of the things left in the speeder by the person. It is unknown if this customer of Thall's was actually a Jedi or was simply someone who killed a Jedi or a Sith and took the lightsaber from them. Most likely, it was the latter, as most Jedi and Sith do not simply forget their lightsabers, although the Jedi may have been leaving his lightsaber to escape the Jedi Purge.

Leonis Murthé used a blue lightsaber aboard the Azgoghk to torture various species.

Admiral Droon was forced to duel Darth Vader with a lightsaber for his treachery on Corulag. He was unable to defeat Vader.

Boba Fett wielding his collected lightsaber against Darth Vader.
Boba Fett wielding his collected lightsaber against Darth Vader.

Boba Fett was rumored to have owned a small collection of lightsabers which were either stolen or found by Fett after Order 66. Fett challenged Darth Vader to a lightsaber duel where Fett used a green bladed lightsaber and was defeated by the much more skillful Darth Vader.

Han Solo used Don-Wan Kihotay's lightsaber to kill the Behemoth of Aduba-3. Solo found out that the lightsaber had disruptive effects on the energy that the Behemoth used to fire lethal rays from its forehead. Solo simply stabbed the monster in the guts, causing it to disintegrate in a flash of energy.

Prior to the Battle of Hoth, he used Luke Skywalker's (formerly Anakin Skywalker's) lightsaber after he rescued Luke from a snowstorm on Hoth. Solo used the lightsaber to slice open the body of a dead Tauntaun, whose insides he then used to keep Luke warm while he constructed a proper shelter for the both of them. As he did so, he thought it might be some sort of sacrilege, using a Jedi lightsaber for such a disgusting task.

Solo also used his wife Leia Organa Solo's lightsaber during the Thrawn Campaign when they were attacked by a YT-1300 light freighter, and during the Caamas Document Crisis to try and stop a riot on Bothawui.

Mara Jade's lightsaber was also used by Solo while fighting Killiks shortly before the Swarm War. When he briefly lost it, Tarfang, an Ewok smuggler, wielded the lightsaber and fought the Killiks himself.

Anja Gallandro, daughter of the deceased bounty hunter Gallandro, wielded an acid-yellow lightsaber of particularly ancient make in service to the Black Sun figure known as Czethros.

In the Tapani Sector, an entire subculture of "saber rakes" developed. These were a group of young nobles who dueled one another with lightfoils, a lower-powered but still deadly version of the lightsaber.

Behind the scenes

In the early incarnations of the Star Wars story, lightsabers were quite standard weapons, serving a role similar to that of blasters in the films
In the early incarnations of the Star Wars story, lightsabers were quite standard weapons, serving a role similar to that of blasters in the films
  • In the early incarnations of the Star Wars story, lightsabers were not weapons exclusive to the Jedi and Sith. In fact, they were quite mundane, being used by Rebel and Imperial troopers alike. George Lucas then limited the weapon only to the Jedi Knights, to give the order a unique feel and an arcane quality.
  • Crystals first appear in the Star Wars mythos simply as an embedded decoration on the hilt in the A New Hope novelization. Aside from this single instance, there are no crystals mentioned in any of the movies or their novelizations. Lightsaber construction is mentioned in detail during the Return of the Jedi novelization and numerous components are detailed, including an 'organic connector', but no crystals are listed.
  • The Anakin/Luke lightsaber was made from a Graflex camera side-attach flash, while the Darth Vader lightsaber was made from a Heiland flash attachment, in the Original Trilogy. The handle grips were made of windshield wiper blades, and D-rings were attached to the bottoms of the units so that they could be worn on a belt.
  • The Obi-Wan Kenobi lightsaber from the Original Trilogy, was the most complexing hilt during that time. It consist parts from an Armitage Shanks Starlite model Handwheel, Browning ANM2 machine gun booster, WWI No.3 Mk.1 British Rifle Grenade and a Rolls-Royce Derwent Mk.8/Mk.9 Jet Engine Balance Pipe.
  • During the initial editing of Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, Luke's lightsaber was colored blue. However, against the desert blue sky environment, the decision was made to change it to green for a better visual effect, hence the birth of the green lightsaber.
  • In the Original Trilogy, the blades were made from carbon rods and were easily broken during battle.
Luke Skywalker wielding a blue lightsaber in an early Return of the Jedi trailer.
Luke Skywalker wielding a blue lightsaber in an early Return of the Jedi trailer.
  • In The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, lightsaber blades were made of resin hilts with a steel rod and were not easily broken, but were easily bent during fighting. However, the lightsabers used in Revenge of the Sith were made of fibertube consisting of three layers of fiberglass, three layers of carbon fiber and another layer called texalium, which is essentially aluminum impregnated with glass that gave the weapon more resistance to damage. However, this new hardened saber was more painful to the actors that were constantly being hit when sparring.
  • In Star Wars Insider Issue 85, based on Ralph McQuarrie's artwork, see above, Karen Traviss made a story about Darth Vader called A Two-Edged Sword which had "Force-sensitive stormtrooper"s in it. These versions had red lightsabers and were trained by Vader himself.
  • Lightsabers are usually rendered having a rounded end. During the Yoda/Dooku duel in Attack of the Clones, a lightsaber was depicted with a pointed end for the first time. It was Dooku's, and can be seen in the shot when Yoda says, "Fought well you have, my old Padawan." Pointed ends were featured much more prominently in Revenge of the Sith.
  • Lightsabers have been inconsistently portrayed in the Star Wars films with regard to how light from the blade interacts with the environment. Lightsabers are not a source of light in the original trilogy. Although they glow, they do not illuminate their surroundings. In the prequel trilogy, however, they do. This is best exemplified when comparing light cast from the weapons in the final duels in Return of the Jedi and Attack of the Clones. This inconsistency is due in large part to special effects technology limitations during production of the original trilogy.
  • Lightsabers are traditionally worn on the left because of the ease in grabing it by a right handed person. Left Handers would find it easier to wear it on the right for the "cross-draw" tactic of grabbing a lightsaber. Only when using two separate blades is their position irrelevant.
  • For some time it had been established that the blade of a lightsaber emitted no discernable heat. One could place their hand closely to the blade and feel nothing until their flesh made actual contact with the blade, in which case a considerable amount of energy was transfered from the blade to the body and the individual perceived distressingly high temperature. The recent Legacy of the Force novels Betrayal, Bloodlines, and Tempest state that lightsabers do in fact emit heat from their blades. Whether this is an oversight of the authors' or an attempt to retcon the previous continuity is unknown.

Lightsabers outside Star Wars

Ulysses of Ulysses 31 with his lightsaber and energy shield.
Ulysses of Ulysses 31 with his lightsaber and energy shield.

Although Star Wars popularized the concept of laser swords, the idea existed long before the release of A New Hope. The weapons have appeared in various non-Star Wars media. Often these appearances are references and homages to Star Wars, as is the case in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.

  • In a scene from Oh Heavenly Dog, actor Chevy Chase arrives in Heaven only to find a "lightsaber" being used as a kind of classroom pointer. The man using it mentions "we got the idea from Star Wars".
  • In the Japanese-French animated series Ulysses 31 the hero Ulysses owns a weapon that is a combination of a lightsaber and a laser gun. Not only does Ulysses 31 borrow the concept of the lightsaber, it also makes use of components of the original sound effects that Ben Burtt fabricated, such as the snap-hiss of ignition.
  • In the popular game series, Super Smash Brothers a laser sword is an obtainable melee weapon during gameplay. The sword has a pink blade, and resembles a lightsaber.
  • Star of the Guardians is a series of four science-fiction / space opera novels written by Margaret Weis in which a patently lightsaber-inspired weapon is used by elite main characters.
  • Lightsabers also found their way overseas to Japan in the popular series Mobile Suit Gundam, which started shortly after the release of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. In the Gundam series the lightsaber's name was changed to beam saber, and they were only operable by the Mobile Suits. The beamsaber continued from the original Gundam series to the latest Gundam show Gundam Seed Destiny. Beam sabers are possibly the only way to effectively damage or destroy a Gundam and come in various designs, ranging from the standard sword design to pikes, tridents and scythes. The design and look of the standard beam saber is generally identical to the standard lightsaber.
  • Of similar design are the laserblades in the Armored Core series, which are generally equipped onto the AC's left hand, though weapon variants exists, whether usable by the player or not.
  • Lightsabers also appeared in Stephen King's The Dark Tower series, in which the wielders took them directly from Episode IV, after seeing the films. In Transformers, the Energon weapons look and sound similar to lightsabers, but are shaped like other weapons such as axes and flails. Lightsaber type weapons are used on numerous occasions as futuristic batons by the 30th century New New York Police in the cartoon "Futurama"
  • Lightsabers possibly inspired the photon weaponry of the Phantasy star game series by Sega. The saber and brand weapons are nearly identical to green and blue lightsabers respectivly. Although the swords aren't the only weapons that display an energy edge as nearly all weapons are modeled as such.
  • A lightsaber-esque weapon (called a beam saber) is wielded by Zero of the Megaman X and Megaman Zero games created by Capcom.